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Open letter Garry Conille on the choice of defense and health ministers

  • June 8, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 19

Choice of Minister of Health and Minister of Defense

Open letter to Garry Conille

By Jacques Raoul Etienne Saint-Hubert de Jérémie


I hasten to draw your attention to the choice of the “young doctor and the young lady” that Dr. Gérald Gilles and EDE are proposing to you as ministers of health and national defense. Thank you for studying their files. under the magnifying glass. Choosing them will contribute to the “technical cocoratization” of the MSPP and will endanger national security already undermined by the bandits.

The MSPP and the Ministry of Defense must be entrusted to professionals who, in addition to solid qualifications, have the necessary experience to tackle the problems that plague these two institutions.

I beg you to return to the Presidential Council the files of the “young doctor expected to be Minister of Health and the young lady announced to take charge of National Defense” for “inexperience in the matter”. The country will be grateful to you. These two young people will be the laughing stock of the executives of the MSPP and the Ministry of Defense. Obviously, the country does not deserve such humiliation. You know our country well enough to oblige the members of the Presidential Council to choose “competent ministers”.

Patriotically yours,

Jacques Raoul Etienne Saint-Hubert
Jérémie, June 7, 2024