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Opposition structures join forces to force the departure of Ariel Henry and find a way out of the crisis

  • February 3, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 68

As February 7 approaches, political structures are coming together against the power in place. The “coalition of political groupings for the advancement of democracy” is the name of this new political structure composed of the collective of January 30, citizen standing, patriotic standing, United Front and protocol of October 17. Their main objectives: find a way out of the crisis, force the Prime Minister to resign and “establish by consensus an Executive Power consistent with the spirit of the 1987 constitution.”

This note bears the signature of several personalities including Edgard LeBlanc Fils, Liné Balthazar, Rodolph Joazile, Claude Joseph, Schultz Cazir, among others. The coalition of political groups for the advancement of democracy aims to be “a forum for exchanges, proposals and actions to guarantee political stability, the security of lives and property and the sustainable development of the country. »

The main objectives of the coalition are “to begin discussions with other political or socio-political actors and entities to seek a broad consensus for a way out of the crisis; Work to obtain the departure of de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry and establish by consensus an Executive Power consistent with the spirit of the 1987 constitution.”

These political structures take responsibility for developing with political partners a road map focused on “the restoration of republican order and security throughout the territory; the strengthening and functioning of republican institutions; respect for international commitments contracted by the Haitian State; the creation of conditions necessary for the holding of a Sovereign National Conference. »

The new coalition does not forget the reform of the 1987 constitution, the organization of inclusive and credible elections to install legitimate elected officials at the head of the country.

To achieve their objectives, the coalition is launching an appeal to political, economic, social and religious forces for broad consultation on a formula for reestablishing executive power, articulated around the Presidency and an inclusive Government led by a Prime Minister of consensus.

The collective of January 30, citizen standing, patriotic standing, United Front and protocol of October 17 are the signatories of this joint declaration.

In this joint declaration, the political structures say they are convinced “that the presence in power, in the current conditions, of the de facto Prime Minister, Ariel Henry will sustainably fuel in the country a situation of unrest and instability detrimental to economic development, well-being of the population and the development of youth, thus endangering the democratic project of the Haitian people. »

They say they are alarmed by the indifference of the de facto Prime Minister and his ministers “in the face of the suffering and calamities endured by internally displaced people (146,000 in 2023 according to BINUH) caused by the criminal action of gangs operating with complete impunity between others in the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince and Bas Artibonite. »

By: Daniel Zéphyr

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Gazette Haiti