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Publication of the decree determining the organization and mode of operation of the Transitional Presidential Council

  • May 11, 2024
  • 70 Min
  • 28
  • The decreet determining the organization and mode of operation of the Presidential transitional council was published Friday in the monitor, the official newspaper of the Republicue Section 1. Purpose and mission Article 1.- this decree determines the organization and functioning of the Presidential Transitional Council, hereinafter referred to as the “CPT”. Article 2.- The mission of the Presidential Transitional Council consists of putting Haiti back on the path to dignity, democratic legitimacy, stability and sovereignty and ensuring the proper functioning of state institutions. The Presidential Transitional Council takes charge of the direction and management of the transition in a collegial manner. It has its headquarters at the National Palace. Section 2.- Composition, Duration of Mandate and Powers of the CPT Subsection 1.- Composition of the CPT Article 3.- The Transitional Presidential Council is composed of seven (7) members with voting rights and two (2) observers without voting rights. It is constituted in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of the decree of April 10, 2024 creating the CPT. Article 4.- It is coordinated by one of its members serving as President of the Transitional Council playing the role of coordinator of the Council’s work. A rotating president is established with four Councilors designated by resolution of the CPT, following the period indicated below: a) From May 7, 2024 to October 7, 2024; b) From October 7, 2024 to March 7, 2025; c) From March 7, 2025 to August 7, 2025; d) From August 7, 2025 to February 7, 2025. Article 5.- Before taking office, the members of the Presidential Transitional Council take the following oath: “I swear before God and before the Nation, to faithfully observe and ensure that the Constitution and the laws of the Republic are observed, to respect and ensure respect for the rights of the Haitian people, to work for the greatness of the Fatherland, to maintain national independence and the integrity of the territory.” Subsection 2.- Duration of the CPT’s mandate Article 6.- The mandate of the Transitional Presidential Council ends on February 7, 2026. Article 6.1.- The Transitional Presidential Council cannot benefit from an extension of mandate. Article 7.- Members of the Transitional Presidential Council cannot stand as candidates for any position in the elections that will be organized during the transition. Sous-section 3. Attributions Article 8.- In addition to the provisions of article 5 of the decree of April 10, 2024 creating the Presidential Transitional Council, the Council: 1. appoints the Prime Minister in accordance with established mechanisms and criteria; 2. participates jointly with the Prime Minister in the formation of an inclusive Ministerial Cabinet; 3. ensures the establishment of the Government’s road map; 4. ensures, in concert with the government, the development and implementation of 5 major projects, namely: (a) public and national security; b) economic recovery, infrastructure rehabilitation, food and health security; c) the national conference and the constitutional question; (d) the rule of law and justice; e) elections for the renewal of political personnel; 5. continues collaboration with all members of the International Community for the accelerated deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission authorized by United Nations Security Council Resolution 2699/2023; 6. establishes a Government Action Control Body (OCGAG) composed of personalities representative of the geographical and social diversity of the country, impartial, honest and competent; 7. establishes a National Security Council (NSC) made up of national experts, professionals from the diaspora and other personalities to provide a response to the different aspects of the country’s security crisis. ; 8. ensures the organization of the meetings of the National Conference, by setting up the Steering Committee of the National Conference in consultation with the Prime Minister and in consultation with the stakeholders signatories of the Political Agreement and other organized structures of society; 9. appoints the members of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP); 10. ensures the creation of a specialized National Financial Prosecutor’s Office in charge of serious economic and financial crime, dealing with attacks on public finances, probity, and the proper functioning of financial markets; 11. ensures the completion of a general audit of the Public Administration including autonomous bodies and institutions, diplomatic representations, and all revenue-generating public institutions. ; 12. proceeds in concert with the Prime Minister to create the Truth, Justice, Reparation Commission, in consultation with national and international human rights organizations; 13. ensures the establishment of a concerted reform program, which takes into account the transitional nature of the government, will give priority to economic recovery, environmental sanitation, infrastructure rehabilitation, judicial system, public administration, revenue, the fight against corruption and impunity; 14. ensures the establishment of a major training and debate program in collaboration with training centers, private and public universities for the benefit of the human resources of the public administration; 15. ensures the reduction of the State’s lifestyle during the transition period within the various bodies of the transition, in particular the Presidential Council, the government and the autonomous bodies of the State; 16. seals decrees and all other acts of the Executive Power with the Seal of the Republic and publishes them in accordance with the law on the subject; 17. exercises all other functions that the Constitution and the laws of the Republic confer on the Presidency within the limits of the applicability of the political agreement for a peaceful and orderly transition; 18. takes all measures to promote a peaceful and orderly transition; 19. ensures the monitoring and implementation of all the provisions of the Political Agreement of April 3, 2024 for a peaceful and orderly transition. Chapter II Organic Provisions Section 1. Organization and operation of the Transitional Presidential Council Article 9.- The Presidential Transitional Council is organized as follows: 1. The Presidency of the Presidential Council having a function of representation and coordination of the Council; 2. The Office of the Presidential Council which assists the Members of the Council in the coordination, orientation and supervision of the major projects of the Transition which are: has. public and national security; b. economic recovery, infrastructure rehabilitation, food and health security; vs. the national conference and the constitutional question; d. the rule of law, justice and human rights; e. elections for the renewal of political personnel. Article 10- The nine (9) members of the Presidential Council enjoy the same rights and prerogatives. Subsection 1. The Presidency of the Council Article 11.- The members of the Transitional Presidential Council shall, after their installation, choose the President of said Council by consensus. In the absence of consensus, he is elected by qualified majority vote of the voting members of the Council, i.e. five (5) out of the seven (7) Councilors with voting rights. Two (2) rounds of voting are organized if necessary. If the first vote fails, a second vote takes place between the two (2) candidates who came first in this first vote. In this case, the candidate having obtained the greatest number of votes is elected. In the second round, votes must be cast for one or the other candidate. Article 11.1 The President of the Council has coordination and representation functions, but has no authority over his peers, nor additional advantages and privileges. He is authorized to represent the Presidential Council. The President signs the decisions on behalf of the Council and has them transmitted to the official newspaper of the Republic “Le Moniteur” for publication. Article 11.2.- The President of the Transitional Presidential Council, accompanied by the other members of said Council, chairs the Council of Ministers. Section 2. Operation Subsection 1. Private Secretariat of the Transitional Presidential Council Article 12.- The Transitional Presidential Council has a Private Secretariat and a Cabinet organized according to the distribution of responsibilities within the Council. The CPT Private Secretariat is responsible for all private and stewardship matters of the CPT and its members. He ensures the administrative follow-up of all the decisions that the CP has taken. Article 12.1.- The Private Secretariat of the CPT is responsible for ensuring: 1. Management and monitoring of private meetings of CPT members; 2. The seizure and classification of the private files of the members of the CPT; 3. The seizure and archiving of confidential files; 4. Taking charge of the reserved or confidential matters of the members of the CPT; 5. Management of the CPT’s private correspondence; 6. Management of telephone communications of CPT members; 7. The translation and interpreting service of the Transitional Presidential Council; 8. The execution of all other tasks entrusted to it by the members of the CPT. Article 12.2.- The Private Secretariat is composed of persons designated respectively by the members of the CPT. He is coordinated by the person designated by the President of the CP and bears the title of “Private Secretary of the Council”. Subsection 2. Cabinet of the Transitional Presidential Council Article 13.- The Cabinet of the Transitional Presidential Council is a political and technical advisory body responsible for assisting the CPT and its members in the formulation of choices and decisions falling within their areas of competence, as well as in apprehension, the monitoring and putting into perspective issues of interest to national life. Article 13.1.- The Cabinet of the CPT: 1. assists the members of the CPT in the exercise of its prerogatives and responsibilities in the context of the transition; 2. advises the members of the CPT on the general conduct of the affairs of the Republic and on the issues on which they are called upon to rule; 3. ensures the execution of the directives of the CP in the area of ​​competence devolved to it; 4. ensures the preparation of the participation of the members of the CPT in the Council of Ministers and in the working meetings which they lead; 5. manages the agenda and hearings of CPT members; 6. monitors, on behalf of the members of the CPT, the different aspects of national life; 7. informs the members of the CPT of the political, economic, diplomatic, security, social and cultural situation of the country and provides it, using summary analysis, with elements suitable for enlightening their governance; 8. prepares the decisions of the PC in its own and shared areas of competence; 9. ensures the application of decisions involving the responsibility of the CP; 10. controls the regularity of the acts submitted for signature by the members of the CP; 11. ensures liaison with the Government, Independent Institutions, national or international, public or private institutions: 12. manages the relations of the CP and its members with the signatory stakeholders of the Agreement of April 3, 2024 and other political parties and sectors of national life; 13. ensures the coordination and programming of the activities of the CP and its members according to the chosen calendar; 14. takes charge of the preparation and organization of press briefings by the President of the CP or its members 15. ensures the processing of mail from the CP and its members. Article 13.2.- The CPT Cabinet is made up of technical advisors linked to the Presidency by a contract, accompanied by their terms of reference, concluded in accordance with the provisions of the law on the subject. Article 13.3.- Each member of the CPT proposes their technical advisors to the CP Cabinet based on the transition projects they are leading. A resolution of the Council fixes the number of Technical Advisors to which each member of the CPT is entitled. Article 13.4.- The Technical Advisors are distributed in specialized units of the Cabinet, each coordinated by a Principal Technical Advisor, under the direct authority of the member of the CP in charge of a transition project. The Cabinet’s Specialized Cells are formed according to the five (5) major transition projects. Article 13.5.- The CP Cabinet is placed under the authority of a Cabinet Director who has the rank of Minister. He is appointed by the CP by consensus or by vote. The Director of the CPT’s Cabinet and the technical advisors coordinating the specialized Units of the Cabinet participate in the meetings of the CPT and the Council of Ministers, in a consultative capacity. Article 14.- The Director of Cabinet of the CPT 1. leads, directs and coordinates the work of the Cabinet’s Specialized Cells: 2. orchestrates the design and implementation of interventions by the CPT and its members; 3. ensures the execution of the CPT’s directives; 4. ensures the finalization, by the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, in liaison with the competent authorities, of the agenda of the Council of Ministers; 5. ensures the follow-up of decisions taken by the Council of Ministers in areas falling within the competence of the CPT; 6. prepares the CPT’s comments on the files submitted to the Council of Ministers; 7. prepares any file to be discussed in interinstitutional meetings; 8. prepares the CPT meetings and possibly mobilizes the appropriate technical resources: Subsection 3. Meetings and decisions of the Presidential Transitional Council Article 15.- The Council meets validly with the presence of two thirds of its members. Article 15.1.- The Council validly decides if at least four (5) of its voting members are present. Article 16.- The Council meets at least three (3) times a week. It also meets in special sessions upon formal and reasoned request from at least one Member of the Council. The President of the Council ensures that all members of the Council are duly notified of the convening of each meeting. Article 17.- The President chairs the meetings of the Council. If the President is unable to attend, the meeting is chaired by a voting member designated by the President. Article 18.- The Secretary General of the Presidency attends meetings of the Council as Secretary, with a consultative voice. The Secretary is responsible for: 1. prepare the minutes of Board meetings; 2. ensure that the minutes of each meeting are signed by all members of the Council; 3. ensures the archiving of the minutes of Council meetings; 4. give, upon request, its opinion on any question related to the work of the Council, legal, administrative and logistical questions. Article 19.- Once quorum has been established, the President of the Council opens the meeting, asks the Secretary to read the agenda of the meeting and takes note of the assent of the members of the Council. Article 20- The agenda is exhausted point by point. However, an item may be postponed to a later session if a request for additional information proves necessary. Article 21.- Consensus is preferred for all decisions of the Council. In the absence of consensus, decisions are taken by majority vote on the principle: one voting member, one vote, and without the possibility of abstention. Article 23.- The decisions of the Council engage the responsibility of all its members. However, in the event of a vote, reservations or opposing positions are recorded in the minutes. Article 24.- The following may attend meetings of the Presidential Transitional Council, upon invitation from the Council: 1. the Prime Minister; 2. civil servants or experts called, through their interventions on occasional and specific questions, to enlighten the opinion of the members of the Council; 3. heads of independent institutions to be heard on issues of national importance affecting their areas of competence. However, the persons referred to above, their presentations having been completed followed by questions if applicable, will not be able to take part in the deliberations of the Council. Article 25.- The Chief of Staff of the Presidential Council and the Coordinators of the Specialized Cells of the Cabinet also attend Council meetings, with an advisory voice. Article 26.- In the event of duly justified absence, a member of the Council may delegate his right to vote to another member. Article 27.- In the event of incapacity, resignation, serious illness, or death of a member of the Presidential Council, the sector of his origin shall replace him within 10 clear days. Article 27.2.- The member designated as replacement takes the oath provided for in this order. Article 28.- The Presidential Council is considered temporarily unable to exercise its functions in the event that four (4) of its voting members are prevented for any reason. Article 28.1.- If the Presidential Council finds itself temporarily unable to exercise its functions, the Council of Ministers, under the presidency of the Government, exercises executive power as long as the impediment lasts. Subsection 3. Remuneration of CPT members Article 29.- Members of the Presidential Council receive from the Public Treasury a monthly allowance from their installation. The Transition Executive ensures that unjustified privileges are removed and that the use of service vehicles is rationalized, among other things. The spouse of a member of the Presidential Council, nor any member of his family, does not benefit from a special status during the Transition period, does not manage a public project, does not have an office and does not have access to funds from the Plublic treasure. Subsection 4. Accountability Article 30.- Every six (6) months, after its installation, the Presidential Transitional Council, through a message to the Nation and before the Body for Control of Government Action (OCAG), makes the Presentation general situation. This presentation does not give rise to any debate. Chapter III Particular dispositions Article 31.- The Prime Minister and the Ministerial Cabinet are chosen on the basis of the same criteria. Article 32.- Each sector constituting the Presidential Transitional Council or part of the Political Agreement proposes one (1) candidate for the position of Prime Minister which it submits to the Presidential Council. From this list made public, not exceeding 15 candidates, the Presidential Council chooses the Prime Minister by consensus or by a majority of the voting members of the Council, after study of the selected files and interview with the candidates with the CPT. Article 32.1.- In the case of voting, the choice is made over three (3) rounds as follows: 1. the first round takes place with the candidates for the post of Prime Minister who have reached consensus within the CPT; 2. in the event of failure, a second round is organized with the candidates having received at least one vote; 3. if the second round does not make it possible to decide between the votes, a third round is organized with the two (2) candidates who came first. The person who obtains the most votes is designated Prime Minister. Article 32.2.- The Presidential Council ensures that the Prime Minister and ministers meet the eligibility criteria defined by the Constitution. However, given the exceptional situation of the Transition, and in the spirit of the political agreement reached between the stakeholders, special considerations are made regarding certain documents to be submitted which are provided for by the constitution. Article 32.3.- Given the urgent need to establish the executive power of the transition, the members of the Presidential Council, the government and the OCAG have a maximum period of 30 days, from the date of their installation, to add the following documents to their file: 1. Police certificate issued by the Central Directorate of Judicial Police (DCPJ) and a criminal record issued by the TPI; 2. Final Income Tax Declaration; 3. Certificate of Declaration of Assets in strict compliance with the law relating to the Declaration of Assets. Article 32.4.- The members of the Presidential Council and the Government, before their installation, undertake by a notarial deed to submit all of their documents within 30 days following their installation taking into account the fact that they are required even before taking office. Article 33.- If it is proven that a member of the Presidential Council has violated the eligibility criteria defined in this Order, or if it is demonstrated that he has violated the law, the mandating sector demands his resignation and provides for its replacement. He will be prosecuted and punished in accordance with the law as appropriate. Article 34.- The candidate for the position of Prime Minister or Minister must have the following profile and skills: 1. Have a good knowledge of public administration; 2. Have good high-level managerial experience; 3. Demonstrate a good knowledge of Haitian political life, geopolitical issues and the deep crisis the country is going through; 4. Develop excellent communication skills; 5. Master the art of negotiation; 6. Demonstrate a great ability to bring together and build bridges between sectors; 7. Be able to work in a team and under pressure; 8. Have a professional trajectory attesting to strong leadership; 9. Do not show bias for any political, economic or social actor; 10. Show empathy for the suffering of the Haitian population. Article 35.- The CP constitutes a commission of five (5) members made up of members of the CP Cabinet in order to study the applications for the post of Prime Minister, Ministers and Secretaries of State. Article 36.- For any appointment which cannot be the subject of consensus, the CP proceeds according to the conditions set by law, or failing that, according to the same mechanism for the choice of the Prime Minister and the members of the Ministerial Cabinet. For all other situations that could constitute a blockage to the functioning of the CP, a resolution of the Council will be taken in order to overcome them. Article 37.- In the event of serious presumptions, duly noted corruption or governance deficit documented and presented by the OCAG, the Presidential Council terminates the functions of the Prime Minister by the presentation by the latter of the resignation of his government . Chapter IV Availablefinal positions Article 38- This Decree will be published and executed for legal purposes. Given at the National Palace, in Port-au-Prince, on May 7, 2024, 221st Year of Independence.

  • Jtodayl Eddy Sender: eddyjazz2[email protected] To: Pierre Jerome Richard Sat May 11 at 08:40 Publication of the decree determining the organization and mode of operation of the Transitional Presidential Council The decree determining the organization and mode of operation of the Transitional Presidential Council was published Friday in Le Moniteur, the official newspaper of the Republic Section 1. Purpose and mission Article 1.- this decree determines the organization and functioning of the Presidential Transitional Council, hereinafter referred to as the “CPT”. Article 2.- The mission of the Presidential Transitional Council consists of putting Haiti back on the path to dignity, democratic legitimacy, stability and sovereignty and ensuring the proper functioning of state institutions. The Presidential Transitional Council takes charge of the direction and management of the transition in a collegial manner. It has its headquarters at the National Palace. Section 2.- Composition, Duration of Mandate and Powers of the CPT Subsection 1.- Composition of the CPT Article 3.- The Transitional Presidential Council is composed of seven (7) members with voting rights and two (2) observers without voting rights. It is constituted in accordance with articles 1 and 2 of the decree of April 10, 2024 creating the CPT. Article 4.- It is coordinated by one of its members serving as President of the Transitional Council playing the role of coordinator of the Council’s work. A rotating president is established with four Councilors designated by resolution of the CPT, following the period indicated below: a) From May 7, 2024 to October 7, 2024; b) From October 7, 2024 to March 7, 2025; c) From March 7, 2025 to August 7, 2025; d) From August 7, 2025 to February 7, 2025. Article 5.- Before taking office, the members of the Presidential Transitional Council take the following oath: “I swear before God and before the Nation, to faithfully observe and ensure that the Constitution and the laws of the Republic are observed, to respect and ensure respect for the rights of the Haitian people, to work for the greatness of the Fatherland, to maintain national independence and the integrity of the territory.” Subsection 2.- Duration of the CPT’s mandate Article 6.- The mandate of the Transitional Presidential Council ends on February 7, 2026. Article 6.1.- The Transitional Presidential Council cannot benefit from an extension of mandate. Article 7.- Members of the Transitional Presidential Council cannot stand as candidates for any position in the elections that will be organized during the transition. Sous-section 3. Attributions Article 8.- In addition to the provisions of article 5 of the decree of April 10, 2024 creating the Presidential Transitional Council, the Council: 1. appoints the Prime Minister in accordance with established mechanisms and criteria; 2. participates jointly with the Prime Minister in the formation of an inclusive Ministerial Cabinet; 3. ensures the establishment of the Government’s road map; 4. ensures, in concert with the government, the development and implementation of 5 major projects, namely: (a) public and national security; b) economic recovery, infrastructure rehabilitation, food and health security; c) the national conference and the constitutional question; (d) the rule of law and justice; e) elections for the renewal of political personnel; 5. continues collaboration with all members of the International Community for the accelerated deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission authorized by United Nations Security Council Resolution 2699/2023; 6. establishes a Government Action Control Body (OCGAG) composed of personalities representative of the geographical and social diversity of the country, impartial, honest and competent; 7. establishes a National Security Council (NSC) made up of national experts, professionals from the diaspora and other personalities to provide a response to the different aspects of the country’s security crisis. ; 8. ensures the organization of the meetings of the National Conference, by setting up the Steering Committee of the National Conference in consultation with the Prime Minister and in consultation with the stakeholders signatories of the Political Agreement and other organized structures of society; 9. appoints the members of the Provisional Electoral Council (CEP); 10. ensures the creation of a specialized National Financial Prosecutor’s Office in charge of serious economic and financial crime, dealing with attacks on public finances, probity, and the proper functioning of financial markets; 11. ensures the completion of a general audit of the Public Administration including autonomous bodies and institutions, diplomatic representations, and all revenue-generating public institutions. ; 12. proceeds in concert with the Prime Minister to create the Truth, Justice, Reparation Commission, in consultation with national and international human rights organizations; 13. ensures the establishment of a concerted reform program, which takes into account the transitional nature of the government, will give priority to economic recovery, environmental sanitation, infrastructure rehabilitation, judicial system, public administration, revenue, the fight against corruption and impunity; 14. ensures the establishment of a major training and debate program in collaboration with training centers, private and public universities for the benefit of the human resources of the public administration; 15. ensures the reduction of the State’s lifestyle during the transition period within the various bodies of the transition, in particular the Presidential Council, the government and the autonomous bodies of the State; 16. seals decrees and all other acts of the Executive Power with the Seal of the Republic and publishes them in accordance with the law on the subject; 17. exercises all other functions that the Constitution and the laws of the Republic confer on the Presidency within the limits of the applicability of the political agreement for a peaceful and orderly transition; 18. takes all measures to promote a peaceful and orderly transition; 19. ensures the monitoring and implementation of all the provisions of the Political Agreement of April 3, 2024 for a peaceful and orderly transition. Chapter II Organic Provisions Section 1. Organization and operation of the Transitional Presidential Council Article 9.- The Presidential Transitional Council is organized as follows: 1. The Presidency of the Presidential Council having a function of representation and coordination of the Council; 2. The Office of the Presidential Council which assists the Members of the Council in the coordination, orientation and supervision of the major projects of the Transition which are: has. public and national security; b. economic recovery, infrastructure rehabilitation, food and health security; vs. the national conference and the constitutional question; d. the rule of law, justice and human rights; e. elections for the renewal of political personnel. Article 10- The nine (9) members of the Presidential Council enjoy the same rights and prerogatives. Subsection 1. The Presidency of the Council Article 11.- The members of the Transitional Presidential Council shall, after their installation, choose the President of said Council by consensus. In the absence of consensus, he is elected by qualified majority vote of the voting members of the Council, i.e. five (5) out of the seven (7) Councilors with voting rights. Two (2) rounds of voting are organized if necessary. If the first vote fails, a second vote takes place between the two (2) candidates who came first in this first vote. In this case, the candidate having obtained the greatest number of votes is elected. In the second round, votes must be cast for one or the other candidate. Article 11.1 The President of the Council has coordination and representation functions, but has no authority over his peers, nor additional advantages and privileges. He is authorized to represent the Presidential Council. The President signs the decisions on behalf of the Council and has them transmitted to the official newspaper of the Republic “Le Moniteur” for publication. Article 11.2.- The President of the Presiding Council The Transitional Council, accompanied by the other members of the said Council, chairs the Council of Ministers. Section 2. Operation Subsection 1. Private Secretariat of the Transitional Presidential Council Article 12.- The Transitional Presidential Council has a Private Secretariat and a Cabinet organized according to the distribution of responsibilities within the Council. The CPT Private Secretariat is responsible for all private and stewardship matters of the CPT and its members. He ensures the administrative follow-up of all the decisions that the CP has taken. Article 12.1.- The Private Secretariat of the CPT is responsible for ensuring: 1. Management and monitoring of private meetings of CPT members; 2. The seizure and classification of the private files of the members of the CPT; 3. The seizure and archiving of confidential files; 4. Taking charge of the reserved or confidential matters of the members of the CPT; 5. Management of the CPT’s private correspondence; 6. Management of telephone communications of CPT members; 7. The translation and interpreting service of the Transitional Presidential Council; 8. The execution of all other tasks entrusted to it by the members of the CPT. Article 12.2.- The Private Secretariat is composed of persons designated respectively by the members of the CPT. He is coordinated by the person designated by the President of the CP and bears the title of “Private Secretary of the Council”. Subsection 2. Cabinet of the Transitional Presidential Council Article 13.- The Cabinet of the Transitional Presidential Council is a political and technical advisory body responsible for assisting the CPT and its members in the formulation of choices and decisions falling within their areas of competence, as well as in apprehension, the monitoring and putting into perspective issues of interest to national life. Article 13.1.- The Cabinet of the CPT: 1. assists the members of the CPT in the exercise of its prerogatives and responsibilities in the context of the transition; 2. advises the members of the CPT on the general conduct of the affairs of the Republic and on the issues on which they are called upon to rule; 3. ensures the execution of the directives of the CP in the area of ​​competence devolved to it; 4. ensures the preparation of the participation of the members of the CPT in the Council of Ministers and in the working meetings which they lead; 5. manages the agenda and hearings of CPT members; 6. monitors, on behalf of the members of the CPT, the different aspects of national life; 7. informs the members of the CPT of the political, economic, diplomatic, security, social and cultural situation of the country and provides it, using summary analysis, with elements suitable for enlightening their governance; 8. prepares the decisions of the PC in its own and shared areas of competence; 9. ensures the application of decisions involving the responsibility of the CP; 10. controls the regularity of the acts submitted for signature by the members of the CP; 11. ensures liaison with the Government, Independent Institutions, national or international, public or private institutions: 12. manages the relations of the CP and its members with the signatory stakeholders of the Agreement of April 3, 2024 and other political parties and sectors of national life; 13. ensures the coordination and programming of the activities of the CP and its members according to the chosen calendar; 14. takes charge of the preparation and organization of press briefings by the President of the CP or its members 15. ensures the processing of mail from the CP and its members. Article 13.2.- The CPT Cabinet is made up of technical advisors linked to the Presidency by a contract, accompanied by their terms of reference, concluded in accordance with the provisions of the law on the subject. Article 13.3.- Each member of the CPT proposes their technical advisors to the CP Cabinet based on the transition projects they are leading. A resolution of the Council fixes the number of Technical Advisors to which each member of the CPT is entitled. Article 13.4.- The Technical Advisors are distributed in specialized units of the Cabinet, each coordinated by a Principal Technical Advisor, under the direct authority of the member of the CP in charge of a transition project. The Cabinet’s Specialized Cells are formed according to the five (5) major transition projects. Article 13.5.- The CP Cabinet is placed under the authority of a Cabinet Director who has the rank of Minister. He is appointed by the CP by consensus or by vote. The Director of the CPT’s Cabinet and the technical advisors coordinating the specialized Units of the Cabinet participate in the meetings of the CPT and the Council of Ministers, in a consultative capacity. Article 14.- The Director of Cabinet of the CPT 1. leads, directs and coordinates the work of the Cabinet’s Specialized Cells: 2. orchestrates the design and implementation of interventions by the CPT and its members; 3. ensures the execution of the CPT’s directives; 4. ensures the finalization, by the Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, in liaison with the competent authorities, of the agenda of the Council of Ministers; 5. ensures the follow-up of decisions taken by the Council of Ministers in areas falling within the competence of the CPT; 6. prepares the CPT’s comments on the files submitted to the Council of Ministers; 7. prepares any file to be discussed in interinstitutional meetings; 8. prepares the CPT meetings and possibly mobilizes the appropriate technical resources: Subsection 3. Meetings and decisions of the Presidential Transitional Council Article 15.- The Council meets validly with the presence of two thirds of its members. Article 15.1.- The Council validly decides if at least four (5) of its voting members are present. Article 16.- The Council meets at least three (3) times a week. It also meets in special sessions upon formal and reasoned request from at least one Member of the Council. The President of the Council ensures that all members of the Council are duly notified of the convening of each meeting. Article 17.- The President chairs the meetings of the Council. If the President is unable to attend, the meeting is chaired by a voting member designated by the President. Article 18.- The Secretary General of the Presidency attends meetings of the Council as Secretary, with a consultative voice. The Secretary is responsible for: 1. prepare the minutes of Board meetings; 2. ensure that the minutes of each meeting are signed by all members of the Council; 3. ensures the archiving of the minutes of Council meetings; 4. give, upon request, its opinion on any question related to the work of the Council, legal, administrative and logistical questions. Article 19.- Once quorum has been established, the President of the Council opens the meeting, asks the Secretary to read the agenda of the meeting and takes note of the assent of the members of the Council. Article 20- The agenda is exhausted point by point. However, an item may be postponed to a later session if a request for additional information proves necessary. Article 21.- Consensus is preferred for all decisions of the Council. In the absence of consensus, decisions are taken by majority vote on the principle: one voting member, one vote, and without the possibility of abstention. Article 23.- The decisions of the Council engage the responsibility of all its members. However, in the event of a vote, reservations or opposing positions are recorded in the minutes. Article 24.- The following may attend meetings of the Presidential Transitional Council, upon invitation from the Council: 1. the Prime Minister; 2. civil servants or experts called, through their interventions on occasional and specific questions, to enlighten the opinion of the members of the Council; 3. heads of independent institutions to be heard on issues of national importance affecting their areas of competence. However, the persons referred to above, their presentations having been completed followed by questions if applicable, will not be able to take part in the deliberations of the Council. Article 25.- The Chief of Staff of the Presidential Council and the Coordinators of the Specialized Cells of the Cabinet also attend Council meetings, with an advisory voice. Article 26.- In the event of duly justified absence, a member of the Council may delegate his right to vote to another member. Article 27.- In the event of incapacity, resignation, serious illness, or death of a member of the Presidential Council, the sector of his origin shall replace him within 10 clear days. Article 27.2.- The member designated as replacement takes the oath provided for in this order. Article 28.- The Presidential Council is considered temporarily unable to exercise its functions in the event that four (4) of its voting members are prevented for any reason. Article 28.1.- If the Presidential Council finds itself temporarily unable to exercise its functions, the Council of Ministers, under the presidency of the Government, exercises executive power as long as the impediment lasts. Subsection 3. Remuneration of CPT members Article 29.- Members of the Presidential Council receive from the Public Treasury a monthly allowance from their installation. The Transition Executive ensures that unjustified privileges are removed and that the use of service vehicles is rationalized, among other things. The spouse of a member of the Presidential Council, nor any member of his family, does not benefit from a special status during the Transition period, does not manage a public project, does not have an office and does not have access to funds from the Plublic treasure. Subsection 4. Accountability Article 30.- Every six (6) months, after its installation, the Presidential Transitional Council, through a message to the Nation and before the Body for Control of Government Action (OCAG), makes the Presentation general situation. This presentation does not give rise to any debate. Chapter III Particular dispositions Article 31.- The Prime Minister and the Ministerial Cabinet are chosen on the basis of the same criteria. Article 32.- Each sector constituting the Presidential Transitional Council or part of the Political Agreement proposes one (1) candidate for the position of Prime Minister which it submits to the Presidential Council. From this list rendered public, not exceeding 15 candidates, the Presidential Council chooses the Prime Minister by consensus or by a majority of the voting members of the Council, after study of the selected files and interview with the candidates with the CPT. Article 32.1.- In the case of voting, the choice is made over three (3) rounds as follows: 1. the first round takes place with the candidates for the post of Prime Minister who have reached consensus within the CPT; 2. in the event of failure, a second round is organized with the candidates having received at least one vote; 3. if the second round does not make it possible to decide between the votes, a third round is organized with the two (2) candidates who came first. The person who obtains the most votes is designated Prime Minister. Article 32.2.- The Presidential Council ensures that the Prime Minister and ministers meet the eligibility criteria defined by the Constitution. However, given the exceptional situation of the Transition, and in the spirit of the political agreement reached between the stakeholders, special considerations are made regarding certain documents to be submitted which are provided for by the constitution. Article 32.3.- Given the urgent need to establish the executive power of the transition, the members of the Presidential Council, the government and the OCAG have a maximum period of 30 days, from the date of their installation, to add the following documents to their file: 1. Police certificate issued by the Central Directorate of Judicial Police (DCPJ) and a criminal record issued by the TPI; 2. Final Income Tax Declaration; 3. Certificate of Declaration of Assets in strict compliance with the law relating to the Declaration of Assets. Article 32.4.- The members of the Presidential Council and the Government, before their installation, undertake by a notarial deed to submit all of their documents within 30 days following their installation taking into account the fact that they are required even before taking office. Article 33.- If it is proven that a member of the Presidential Council has violated the eligibility criteria defined in this Order, or if it is demonstrated that he has violated the law, the mandating sector demands his resignation and provides for its replacement. He will be prosecuted and punished in accordance with the law as appropriate. Article 34.- The candidate for the position of Prime Minister or Minister must have the following profile and skills: 1. Have a good knowledge of public administration; 2. Have good high-level managerial experience; 3. Demonstrate a good knowledge of Haitian political life, geopolitical issues and the deep crisis the country is going through; 4. Develop excellent communication skills; 5. Master the art of negotiation; 6. Demonstrate a great ability to bring together and build bridges between sectors; 7. Be able to work in a team and under pressure; 8. Have a professional trajectory attesting to strong leadership; 9. Do not show bias for any political, economic or social actor; 10. Show empathy for the suffering of the Haitian population. Article 35.- The CP constitutes a commission of five (5) members made up of members of the CP Cabinet in order to study the applications for the post of Prime Minister, Ministers and Secretaries of State. Article 36.- For any appointment which cannot be the subject of consensus, the CP proceeds according to the conditions set by law, or failing that, according to the same mechanism for the choice of the Prime Minister and the members of the Ministerial Cabinet. For all other situations that could constitute a blockage to the functioning of the CP, a resolution of the Council will be taken in order to overcome them. Article 37.- In the event of serious presumptions, duly noted corruption or governance deficit documented and presented by the OCAG, the Presidential Council terminates the functions of the Prime Minister by the presentation by the latter of the resignation of his government . Chapter IV Final provisions Article 38- This Decree will be published and executed for legal purposes. Given at the National Palace, in Port-au-Prince, on May 7, 2024, 221st Year of Independence.

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