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Review of 24 years of PROMODEV serving agriculture and the environment in Haiti

  • June 5, 2024
  • 8 Min
  • 17

Since its founding on June 5, 2000, PROMODEV (Promotion for Development) has been committed to promoting sustainable development in Haiti. For 24 years, this non-profit organization has dedicated its efforts to improving the agricultural sector, protecting the environment, rural education, promoting gender equality, involvement of young people, and local development. With 27,442 members, including 51% women and 39% young people, PROMODEV has been able to mobilize and inspire a vast community around its values ​​and objectives. This article provides a detailed assessment of PROMODEV’s achievements, highlighting its flagship projects and soliciting suggestions to continue moving forward in its mission.

One of the first projects initiated by PROMODEV is the School and Environmental Education Garden. This project aims to raise awareness among schoolchildren of the importance of sustainable agriculture and environmental protection. By teaching them to grow plants and understand local ecosystems, PROMODEV encourages young people to become stewards of the environment from a young age.

There is the emblematic project “La Maison des Planteurs d’Haïti” which offers technical and logistical support to Haitian farmers. La Maison des Planteurs d’Haïti provides resources, training and infrastructure to improve agricultural practices and increase productivity. It also serves as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and skills among farmers, particularly for the benefit of our madans saras.

PROMODEV has undertaken several initiatives to restore the productivity of degraded soils and strengthen agro-ecological systems. These efforts are particularly important for vulnerable communities who rely on agriculture for their livelihoods. Soil conservation techniques, sustainable agricultural practices and reforestation programs have been implemented to revitalize agricultural lands.

The ALLO AGRO project is divided into three components: 1) radio broadcast on community media through the MEDIA LAkAY network; 2) call center providing technical advice to farmers; 3) technical assistance via a team of experts, technicians and extension agents. ALLO AGRO helps disseminate important information and technological innovations to farmers, thereby contributing to the improvement of agricultural practices on a large scale.

The “Young people get involved in the environment” project aims to actively involve young people in environmental protection. By organizing awareness campaigns, cleaning activities and educational workshops, PROMODEV inspires young people to take ecological initiatives and become agents of change.

PROMODEV has also launched programs to promote health and hygiene in rural areas. These programs include awareness campaigns on the importance of clean water, sanitation, and hygienic practices. They aim to improve the living conditions of rural communities and prevent diseases.

With the coordination of the department of rural women, PROMODEV has set up specific programs to strengthen the capacities of women in the agricultural sectors. These programs provide technical training, leadership workshops and funding opportunities to encourage female entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector.

Recognizing the importance of media in community development, PROMODEV has launched projects to strengthen the capacities of community media. These initiatives aim to improve the quality of information disseminated and to strengthen the role of the media in raising awareness and educating local populations.

The Agricultural Forum, called “Saturday Evening University”, is a platform for exchange and training for farmers, experts and researchers. This forum allows you to share knowledge, exchange ideas and discuss challenges and opportunities in the agricultural sector in Haiti.

To support young people and members of the organization in terms of leadership and communication, PROMODEV has created a club with an ecological vocation: the PROMODEV Toastmasters Club. This club provides training in communication and leadership, strengthening members’ skills and preparing them to take on leadership roles in their communities.

As PROMODEV celebrates its 24th anniversary, we invite all members, partners and supporters to share their questions, comments and recommendations. Your contributions are essential to guide and advise PROMODEV members in order to better advance their mission.

Since its creation on June 5, 2000, PROMODEV has made significant progress in the agricultural and environmental sector in Haiti. Thanks to its diverse projects and its commitment to sustainable development, the organization has been able to mobilize a large community and inspire thousands of people. As we celebrate 24 years of service, we remain committed to continuing our mission and strengthening our impact. We invite you to join us in this collective effort for a more resilient and sustainable Haiti.

PROMODEV, Organization committed to sustainable development in Haiti

June 5, 2000 – June 5, 2024=24 years old

Talot BERTRAND, Ing-Agr.

Specialist in Environmental Education

Secretary General of PROMODEV

Phone / WhatsApp: +50937335953

E-mail: [email protected]