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Saint-Marc: sanction against those responsible for the Georges Sylvain school for having raped a student

  • May 21, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 29

Saint-Marc: suspension of the management permits of those responsible for the Georges Sylvain school for having assaulted a student

The Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training (MENFP) took severe measures against several officials at the Georges Sylvain Institution in Saint-Marc following acts of violence perpetrated against a student. Clément Geffrard The management licenses of Lanier, administrative director, and Félix Estimé, director of the school, are suspended after the Artibonite Departmental Directorate of Education confirmed the violence perpetrated on student Britney Bernard.

These incidents, which occurred on Monday May 20, 2024, led the MENFP to reaffirm its determination to fight against all forms of violence within educational establishments. The ministry emphasizes that school must be a place of respect and dignity for all students.

The MENFP, in collaboration with the judicial authorities, continues to take measures to guarantee the well-being of students and provide psychological support to the victim in order to minimize the repercussions on their education. Training is also planned for school principals to strengthen understanding of their responsibilities regarding the school climate and student well-being, in accordance with international conventions and Haitian laws on the protection of children’s rights.

The ministry urges the population, particularly parents, to remain vigilant and to report any form of violence inside schools via the MENFP Call Center at the following numbers: 31 26 75 19 / 47 20 43 75.

This decision of MENFP follows the broadcast on social networks of a video showing a citizen physically attacking a student in class, violently pushing her out of the room while screaming “Go outside”. The scene, filmed by other students, sparked strong indignation on social networks.

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