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Sleep apnea: 4 surprising symptoms to know, according to this ENT

  • February 2, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 57

The impact of sleep apnea increases almost linearly with age in adults. Indeed, it concerns 7.9% of people aged 20 to 44, 19.7% of 45–64 year olds and 30.5% of people over 65, according to figures given by Inserm. Sleep apnea is caused by repeated episodes of obstruction of the respiratory tract in the back of the throat. It mainly has two consequences: a drop in the oxygen level in the blood due to the air no longer reaching the lungs and a sudden micro-awakening after 10 to 30 seconds. If the majority of symptoms appear at night with snoring, sudden awakenings or insomnia, some also appear when waking up. Asked by Hartford Hospitalin the United States, Dr. Carl Moeller, ENT, spoke about little-known symptoms of sleep apnea.

Focus on four little-known symptoms of sleep apnea

Here are four surprising symptoms of this syndrome that you should be aware of according to this American ENT specialist:

Night sweats

Do you often wake up soaked during the night? If the causes of these night sweats are numerous, sleep apnea could well be one of them according to the specialist. According to him, “Night sweats are caused by sympathetic arousal that occurs as a result of obstruction in the respiratory tract and a drop in oxygen levels.” Thus, to overcome the obstruction which corresponds to an obstacle to circulation, the body reacts by secreting substances which cause excitement. This can then lead to night sweats, increased heart rate and frequent waking up.


THE stomach pains cause very unpleasant discomfort on a daily basis. They are caused by acid reflux and an overproduction of acidic juices from the stomach. These pains in the stomach area most often occur after meals. However, these could be linked to sleep apnea. Indeed, according to Dr. Moeller, “They are more common in patients with sleep apnea due to the negative pressure or vacuum that is created in the upper airway during obstruction.” This vacuum pulls stomach contents into the esophagus and even into the throat, causing a burning sensation.

Grinding of teeth

The bruxism Sleep loss is characterized by people grinding their teeth at night or clenching their jaw. While it is very often associated with stress and anxiety, it can also be your body’s way of keeping your airways open. As the ENT explains, “grinding is caused by the patient unconsciously trying to keep their airway open by moving their lower jaw forward to compensate for sleep apnea.” This can cause tooth wear, jaw pain and headaches, according to the expert.

Morning headaches

If you suffer from headaches when you wake up on a fairly recurring basis, it may be due to grinding your teeth while you sleep. As a reminder, teeth grinding is itself a symptom of sleep apnea. It can also be more worrying: according to Dr. Moeller, “These headaches may be due to a drop in blood oxygen levels, which temporarily deprives the brain of oxygen.”

If you experience these symptoms, which alone do not necessarily indicate sleep apnea, it is advisable to consult your doctor for proper care. Moreover, “Anyone experiencing loud, constant snoring, excessive daytime sleepiness, or irregular breathing should consult their doctor”, according to Dr. Moeller. Indeed, over time, untreated sleep apnea can increase the risk of certain chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, congestive heart failure, stroke or myocardial infarction.

Sources :

  • 4 Surprising Signs of Sleep Apnea, Hartford HealthCare, 24 janvier 2024
  • Sleep apnea: a source of fatigue, but also of cardiovascular diseases, Inserm
  • Symptoms, diagnosis and development of sleep apnea, Health Insurance
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Oceane Letouze