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Sleep: living in this environment would help you sleep longer

  • March 26, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 35

The sleep is an essential element for the proper functioning of the body. Both restorative and regulatory, it is decisive for growth, brain maturation as well as the development and preservation of our cognitive abilities as indicated by the National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance. However, sleep is fragile, and can very quickly be disrupted by numerous environmental factors such as: noise, light or temperature. Therefore, it is essential to have an environment conducive to sleep so as not to shorten your nights.

In a recent study published in review Environmental Research, researchers have highlighted a particular living space that could help you sleep longer.

What is this environment that promotes sleep?

To carry out their study, the researchers analyzed data from a cross-sectional international survey of 18,838 adults in 18 different countries, including Australia, Canada and the United States. The scientists then asked a sample of people in each of these 18 countries to answer questions about the amount of greenery on their street, their view of rivers, lakes and coasts from their homes, the weather of leisure spent in natural spaces, as well as on their Mental Health and on their number of hours of sleep per night.

After analysis, the survey results showed that people living on greener streets or having a view of lakes, rivers or coasts from their homes tend to report better mental health, which would be associated with more restful sleep hours and longer nights. Additionally, people who spent the most time entertaining in green spaces, or near lakes or rivers also reported better mental health and longer sleep duration. Indeed, according to the results of the study, 17% of people living on streets with greenery sleep less than six hours a night, compared to 22% of people who did not live on streets with plants. “A difference of 5% which may seem minimal”, according to Mathew White, co-author of the study, however, it demonstrates that “greening the streets should be a priority”.

Greening the streets for better sleep?

According to Dr Leanne Martin, lead author of the study and researcher at the University of Exeter (England), “people who live on greener streets report better mental health, which is also a determining factor in a better night’s sleep.” She adds that “Street greening initiatives already exist in cities to combat environmental risks, but the findings suggest that politicians should extend these initiatives to residential areas to support public health by promoting healthier sleep habits.”

Sources :

  • Mechanisms underlying the associations between different types of nature exposure and sleep duration: An 18-country analysis – Environmental Research
  • Greener streets linked to better sleep – University of Exeter
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Oceane Letouze