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The blood of the vampire

  • June 5, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 31
This paper is the US dollar, and this system is called Bretton Woods I and II.

The USA buys material goods all over the world (automobiles, food, oil, etc.) and pays in paper. The value of this paper is that which decides to give it… the USA!

This paper is the US dollar, and this system is called Bretton Woods I and II. It is a system of transferring wealth from around the world to the USA. A system of looting. A vampire system.

Just as a vampire cannot live without sucking the blood of others, the Bretton Woods system cannot survive without plundering the world. This explains the current global situation. This is why we are, right now, on the brink of nuclear war. The vampire lives only by the blood of others, and these others, more and more, refuse to let themselves bleed.

One might believe that it is the American people who benefit from this vampirism. How then can we explain hunger, modestly renamed “food insecurity” to be scientific, all the homeless people, the advanced disappearance of the middle class, the deterioration of infrastructure, inflation, the exorbitant price of education, and all the rest?

The reality is that in the final analysis, only international high finance, the Money Power, benefits from Bretton Woods. This is the Accumulation of Capital pushed to its extreme limit, and at this limit, the American people are a victim like all the others.

And we Ayisyen are one too, to the most advanced degree. But by our very suffering, we only show what the future of the human species will be, if we let Financial Capital do its thing.

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Andre Charlier