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The CPT sets elections for December 2025

  • May 22, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 16

The Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) revealed its intention to conduct elections in December 2025, during an interview with one of its advisors, Lesly Voltaire, on the show “Tête à Tête” on France 24, the Tuesday May 21, 2024.

This Tuesday, May 21, 2024, on the France 24 program “Tête à Tête,” Lesly Voltaire, member of the CPT, specified that the new officials, including the president, will take office at the national palace on February 7, 2026. Before that , the CPT will focus on humanitarian and security aspects, as well as constitutional reform, in order to launch the electoral process from January 2025.

“This year, we will look at the security situation and the humanitarian issue. We are going to hold a major national conference not only at the metropolitan area level but also in other departments and the diaspora. We are going to have a vision over the 25 years,” explained Lesly Voltaire, very optimistic, during this interview.

At the same time, the Presidential Transitional Council plans to engage in constitutional reform before establishing the Provisional Electoral Council, according to Lesly Voltaire. The latter will have the task of drawing up an inventory of existing resources and auditing the Dermalog card, already used by more than six million Haitians.

“From January 2025, we will begin all electoral operations, which will last nine months. In December 2025, we will organize the elections,” Voltaire said.

Despite the limited time to carry out these vast projects, security remains a major concern both in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince and in certain provincial towns. Nevertheless, Voltaire remains optimistic. “I think it’s realistic. The circumstances allow us to be optimistic,” said the representative of Fanmi Lavalas.

Voltaire, former Minister of National Education and Professional Training, also highlighted the progress made by the CPT since its creation by decree on the government of Ariel Henry. He spoke of the swearing-in of members, the adoption of a rotating presidency and a qualified majority of 5/7, as well as the launch of a sanitation campaign to clean the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au- Prince.

To achieve these ambitious objectives, the Presidential Council is counting on the imminent deployment of the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS). “There is hope for equipping the national police and supporting town halls,” Voltaire declared, specifying that the mission will include 2,500 members, supported by American logistics.

In conclusion, it should be noted that Leslie Voltaire, representative of Fanmi Lavalas on the Presidential Transitional Council, provided clarification on the role of soldiers of the multinational force in the direct fight against armed gangs in Haiti during this interview on France 24. He affirmed that it is the Haitians themselves who will be on the front line against armed gangs.

According to his remarks, the task of foreign troops will be limited to training and supporting Haitian forces. He made it clear that foreign soldiers will not participate in fights against gangs unless they are attacked first.

At the 46th meeting of the Caribbean Community (Caricom) last February, former Prime Minister Ariel Henry committed to organizing elections in Haiti in August 2025, as Caribbean leaders reported in a public statement at the summit close.

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Ravensley Boisrond