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The government grants itself a budget of 320 billion gourdes for the 2023-2024 financial year

  • September 30, 2023
  • 3 Min
  • 38

Meeting in council of ministers, Thursday September 28the government voted a new budget of 320 billion gourdes for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, informs the authorities through a press release.

“The Council of Ministers approved, on Thursday September 28, the 2023-2024 budget. It will be in application from October 1, 2023, according to legal requirements, which has not happened since the 2020-2021 financial year,” underlines the government note.

According to the government, the budget adopted for 2023-2024 reflects the main orientations contained in the framework letter from the Prime Minister sent to the authorizing officers on August 2, and is part of the continuity of the efforts initiated since last year to development of the second medium-term budgetary framework 2023-2026.

Reconnecting with economic growth, improving social stability and improving security conditions are the three priorities around which the budget is structured, the overall envelope of which amounts to 320.64 billion gourdes.

“The basic assumptions for the 2024 projections are essentially based on the strengthening of the security climate, the construction of resilient infrastructure identified in the PRIPS (Southern Peninsula Integrated Recovery Plan), the stability of the exchange rate and the availability of petroleum products at the pump,” concluded the press release.

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