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The JENS PREZAN platform writes to the Prime Minister of Barbados to ask him to reconsider the strategy of a CPT 7 Tt

  • March 25, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 28

Port-Au-Prince, March 25, 2024.

Son Excellence
Madame Mia MOTTLEY
Prime Minister of Barbados.


Subject: Proposal for ending the crisis

Madam Prime Minister,

The Executive Committee of the “JENÈS PREZAN” platform thanks you for your constant support and your contribution to the process of forming a Presidential Transitional Council, through a constructive dialogue centered on the need to get Haiti out of the political impasse.

However, faced with the deterioration of the political and social climate currently in Haiti, mired in a deep crisis, the Committee would like to seize this opportunity to ask the actors of the international community, particularly Caricom, the UN, the Core Group composed in particular of Ambassadors of France, Canada, Germany, Spain, to amplify their support for a process which would contribute to quickly ensuring the well-being of the Haitian population.

In this perspective, the Committee wishes to share its recommendations in the hope of reexamining this strategy in relation to the political crisis in Haiti. It is:

1-Definitely postpone the process of constituting the presidential council of seven (7) members and two (2) observers;

2- Turn to the highest instance of the judicial power of the Republic of Haiti, the Court of Cassation, for the choice of a judge to serve as President of Haiti;

3- Appoint, by consensus, a new Prime Minister, equipped with skills in electoral matters in order to find a normal return to the constitution, a political personality or a worthy and honest senior official equipped with technical skills necessary for the political decision of the country;

4- Provide support to the National Police and the Armed Forces of Haiti (PNH/FAD’H) to ensure peace and security in the country.

The Executive Committee of the “JENÈS PREZAN” platform asks you to accept, Madam Prime Minister, its patriotic greetings.

Congressman American

Jean Rodlet Jean Baptiste
Official Representative
[email protected]