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The Kenyan mission recommends the retraining of PNH agents and undertakes to ensure the security of the National Palace, HUEH, National Roads 1 and 2

  • May 28, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 7

Just as René Préval ceded the country’s telecommunications system to the Vietnamese, the CPT (created by Caricom) will (or should) entrust the security ofIt isbuilding of the country’s presidency to the Kenyans, (those who experienced independence around 1960), we learn from one of the main daily newspapers in Nairobi.

Kenyan reconnaissance mission has identified key locations where more than 2,500 police officers will be deployed in Haiti, says Kenyan newspaper The Star.

The team, led by Deputy Inspector General of Administrative Police Noor Gabow, returned to Kenya on May 27 after a week-long tour and began writing its report on the results obtained before the planned deployment, confides the media.

Sources familiar with the developments indicated that the team had agreed with local leaders to monitor the main port, the airport, the main hospital, the two main highways and the White House, which is the presidential palace.

“If necessary, officers will be sent to other areas to support local teams,” a source said.

The team said there are police officers on the ground but they are overworked and poorly motivated.

According to the report which will be submitted to the authoritiesIt iss de Nairobi, Haitian police officers need to be retrained.

Rezo Nodwes tried in vain to contact the spokesperson for the PNH and the Prime Minister’s Office to obtain their version of the facts.

Recall that President William Ruto has said the peacekeeping police force is expected to arrive in Haiti to help quell growing gang violence in about three weeks.

source: Kenya cops to man Haiti White House, airport and highways (