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Do you necessarily have to go on a diet to lose weight? Regular physical activity and the consumption of foods that break down fat should already prove very effective. Here is the list of foods that should be favored.

1. Broccoli

Broccoli is the ultimate fat-burning food. It is very low in calories but is high in fiber. It therefore causes significant energy expenditure and facilitates intestinal transit. But that’s not all. Broccoli is also rich in antioxidants, which makes it excellent for your health. So you should not hesitate to eat broccoli without moderation, in salad or puree, as an accompaniment to meat or fish.

2. Celery

Celery is an extremely interesting food, in that it is a negative calorie food. That is, the energy that the body must use to digest it and absorb its nutrients is greater than that which it provides. Clearly, eating celery actually makes you lose weight. You can eat celery raw in salad or juice, or steam it so that it retains all its nutritional qualities.

3. Eggplant

Like celery, eggplant is a negative calorie food. Furthermore, this vegetable has the ability to reduce blood sugar levels and high cholesterol levels. On the other hand, it is important to note that eggplant should only be eaten cooked. Raw, it can be toxic.

4. Pineapple

On the fruit side, pineapple is an excellent fat burner. It has many nutrients such as magnesium or vitamin C, but it mainly contains bromelain, an enzyme which prevents the storage of fat, especially in the stomach and thighs. This enzyme fights fat cells and is also an excellent natural anti-inflammatory.

5. Grapefruit

For breakfast, you will be well inspired to eat a grapefruit. This citrus fruit naturally lowers blood sugar levels. But that’s not all. Grapefruit contains an enzyme that helps regulate appetite: the more grapefruit you eat, the less hungry you will be. We will advise you to eat the grapefruit like an orange and not to squeeze it. Energy expenditure during digestion will be greater.

6. Lemon

Lemon has practically the same virtues as grapefruit, but it also contains citric acid which helps the body destroy fats and proteins. It is difficult to chew it, so it is advisable to squeeze the lemon and drink it with water, especially in the morning. Its effect will be even more immediate.

7. Cinnamon

To have a flat stomach, you can also turn to cinnamon. This spice actually helps control blood sugar levels. Thanks to its action, sugars will be less stored in the form of fat. You don’t know how to consume it? Sprinkle it in your yogurts or in your fromage blanc, instead of sugar. You can also use it in all your savory or sweet dishes.

8. Oat bran

Oat bran is not very appealing at first, but it is excellent for your health and your figure. Rich in fiber, it allows good transit and is capable of absorbing 30 times its quantity of water. As a result, during digestion, it absorbs fats and sugars and allows the body to get rid of them.

9. Chili pepper

No need to turn to the hottest peppers to get results. Numerous studies have in fact revealed that consuming chili peppers leads to significant energy expenditure. It also appears that the spicy you eat, the more you reduce your appetite. So, we shouldn’t overdo it, but don’t hesitate to put it in our meats or vegetables.

10. Garlic

Garlic is not only a natural antibiotic, it is also an antioxidant food capable of fighting bad cholesterol. Garlic also plays a role in appetite. The more garlic we eat, the more satiety signals the brain receives. On the other hand, be careful of smells!

Alexane Flament


February 9, 2024, at 5:25 p.m.

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