The current situation in Haiti is critical and requires decisive and collaborative actions to lift the people out of the poverty, unemployment and insecurity that are eating away at them more every day. Haitian families are suffering and losing hope.

Security is the basis of any stable society. Without it, there is no progress, no development, no credible electoral process. This is why the priority of this transitional government must be to restore security throughout the national territory.

The presidential council must work closely with the prime minister to accelerate the creation of an environment conducive to fair and transparent general elections, essential to restore democracy and people’s confidence in institutions.

Concrete measures must be taken without delay to counter insecurity, which involves:

1. Strengthen security forces: increase the number and resources of the national police to ensure a more visible and dissuasive presence in high-risk areas.
2. Fight corruption: establish monitoring and transparency mechanisms to ensure that funds intended for security and humanitarian aid are used effectively and honestly.
3. Support local initiatives: encourage and finance community security and economic development initiatives, in order to create jobs and reduce the poverty that fuels insecurity.

These actions must be carried out with determination and in a spirit of total collaboration between the CPT and the Prime Minister.

The Haitian people deserve a dignified and secure life. Our leaders have the duty and the opportunity to offer them this opportunity. May our commitment be a beacon of hope in these dark times. Let us act now, with courage and solidarity, to restore security and pave the way for free and fair elections.

Lawyer, Communicator
[email protected]