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The presidential council publishes a decree relating to its organization and functioning

  • May 30, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 18

The presidential council publishes a decree relating to its organization and operation

The presidential council published in the newspaper Le Moniteur a decree which determines its organization and its mode of operation in which it specifies its mission and establishes the principle of rotating presidency four times for its two years of mandate.

Among other missions, the CPT stipulates that it will participate jointly with the Prime Minister in the formation of an inclusive Ministerial Cabinet, ensure the establishment of the Government’s road map; and the implementation of five (5) major projects, namely: public and national security; economic recovery, infrastructure rehabilitation, food and health security; the national conference and the constitutional question; the rule of law and justice; elections for the renewal of political personnel.

During the rotating presidency, the advisor who plays the role of President of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) has coordination and representation functions, but has no authority over his peers, nor additional advantages and privileges. He is authorized to represent the CPT.

This text establishes the principle of a qualified majority of 5 votes for CPT decisions. The Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) validly decides whether at least five (5) of its voting members are present. THE Presidential Council of transition (CPT) meets at least three (3) times a week.

In the event of incapacity, resignation, serious illness, or death of a member
of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT), the sector of its origin shall replace it within ten (10) clear days. The member designated as replacement takes the oath provided for in article 5 of this decree.

According to the decree, the council ensures the reduction of the State’s lifestyle during the transition period within the various bodies of the Transition, in particular the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT), the Government, and within the organizations autonomous from the State.

He specifies that the members of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) receive a monthly allowance from the Public Treasury upon their installation. Every six (6) months, after its installation, the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT), through a message to the Nation and before the Government Action Control Body (OCAG), makes a general presentation of the situation.

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