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The REN, member of the Presidential Council, proposes Garry Conille as prime minister of the transition

  • May 12, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 20

In a correspondence dated May 13 addressed to the attention of Edgard Leblanc Fils, current president of the Presidential Transitional Council, the Rally for a National Agreement (REN), a structure already represented on the Council via Régine Abraham, observer member, sent the name of Garry Conille as Prime Minister of the Transition. The REN sees in former Prime Minister Conille, “the ideal candidate for this function”.

The call has only just been launched. The first applications have already arrived. The Rally for a National Entente already has its prime minister in the person of Garry Conille. This political structure is an observer member of the Presidential Council.

According to the political structure, “Dr Garry CONILLE, through his exemplary career path marked by integrity and competence as well as his strategic vision of Public Policies, stood out as the ideal candidate for this function”.

“His proven skills in Public Administration, his long career as an international executive particularly in the United Nations system and his deep understanding of the current issues affecting the country, are major assets which will ensure the success of the transition,” believes the REN in this correspondence addressed to Edgard Leblanc.

Also, the REN sent all the documents required by the Presidential Transitional Council to ensure that their candidate complies with the requirements of the CPT. The REN says it is “convinced that the choice of Dr Garry CONILLE as Prime Minister of the transition will be beneficial for the whole country”.

According to the press release from the Transitional Presidential Council, the candidacy of all interested persons must be presented by a sector forming the CPT or adhering to the Agreement of April 3, 2024. At the end of the process, in accordance with article 6 of the agreement, “the Prime Minister will be appointed by the Presidential Council of the Transition in consultation with the signatories of the April 3 agreement and other political and civil society structures interested in joining said Agreement, based on a list of one (1) name submitted by each of the sectors, not exceeding a total of 15 applications”.

Garry Conille, born February 26, 1966 in Port-au-Prince (Haiti), is a doctor. He served as chief of staff to former US President Bill Clinton, then co-chair of the Interim Commission for the Reconstruction of Haiti (CIRH). Prime Minister of Michel Martelly from September 5, 2011 to May 16, 2012, he was forced to resign following deep differences with the presidency on certain issues. Garry Conille has been appointed UNICEF Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean in 2023. He is responsible for the leadership, oversight and guidance of 36 countries and territories, representing UNICEF to governments , donors, the private sector and civil society in the region.

By: Daniel Zéphyr

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Gazette Haiti