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These 8 beneficial habits for the heart could help slow down aging

  • May 30, 2024
  • 8 Min
  • 25

When we do not pay attention to our health, certain organs such as the heart may age faster than our chronological age (number of years since birth). Indeed, to limit the aging of the organs, and hope that they remain in good condition for as long as possible, it is necessary to have a good lifestyle. In a study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, Researchers have discovered that the aging of the body could be slowed down by adopting eight behaviors that are beneficial for the heart.

How do these eight heart-healthy habits impact aging?

To arrive at these conclusions, researchers examined data from more than 5,682 people participating in a multigenerational research project called the “Framingham Heart Study.” Participants were required to conduct medical examslaboratory tests as well as interviews with health professionals.

Once this whole process was completed, their results were evaluated with a tool from the American Heart Association aimed at analyzing cardiovascular health on a total of 0 to 100 (100 being the best). This tool, called “Life’s Essential 8”, is based on a set of four behavioral measures (diet, physical activity, hours of sleep per night and smoking), and four clinical measures (body mass index, blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels). Each participant was also assessed using tools estimating biological age (which determines the age of the body). Participants were followed between 11 and 14 years to monitor the potential onset of cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular death, or death from any cause.

After analyzing the results, scientists found that for every 13 points the Life’s Essential 8 score increased, the risk of developing cardiovascular disease for the first time was reduced by about 35%, deaths from the disease cardiovascular by 36% and deaths from all causes by 29%. Regarding the impact of the eight heart habits recommended by the American Heart Association on aging, they decreased by 39% in people with a genetic profile at risk and more likely to be affected by accelerated biological age. Likewise, they also reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease, death from cardiovascular disease and death from all causes by 78% in these people with a genetic profile at risk. The essence of the study according to the team of researchers is therefore that “Everyone knows about the eight health factors linked to cardiovascular disease and stroke.”

What are 8 good habits for heart health that would help slow down aging?

But what are these 8 heart-healthy behaviors determined by the American Heart Association that would help slow aging? Here they are :

Eat healthy

Adopt a balanced diet is essential to give the body all the nutrients it needs.

Have regular physical activity

When you are an adult, it is recommended by the government site Santé.gouv to practice, “30 minutes of physical activity developing cardio-respiratory fitness of moderate to high intensity, at least 5 days a week, avoiding going 2 consecutive days without practicing”.

Stop smoking or not smoke at all

The tobacco is very harmful to health. Indeed, it is involved in the occurrence of certain cancers and also promotes certain cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. It is therefore better to avoid it.

Get enough sleep

When we lack of sleep, the consequences on health can be numerous. This is why it is advisable to sleep between 7 and 9 hours each night.

Control your cholesterol level

When the cholesterol level is too high, this promotes the formation of deposits on the wall of the arteries and increases the risk of suffering from a heart attack, stroke or arteritis.

Maintain a healthy weight

To stay healthy, it is best to avoid becoming overweight, as it can be a trigger for many chronic diseases such as diabetes or obesity.

Monitor your blood pressure

High blood pressure is one of the main cardiovascular risk factors.

Be vigilant about your blood sugar level

Hyperglycemia puts you at risk of diabetes, which itself can cause vascular damage in the heart, eyes, kidneys and nerves according to the World Health Organization.

“Regardless of actual age, adopting heart-healthy behaviors as well as better management of heart risk factors heart disease are associated with younger biological age and a lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease or stroke, death from cardiovascular disease and stroke. a said Professor Jiantao Ma after analyzing the results of the study.

Sources :

  • Epigenetic Age Mediates the Association of Life’s Essential 8 With Cardiovascular Disease and Mortality – Journal of the American Association
  • Heart healthy behaviors may help reverse rapid cell aging – American Heart Association
  • Physical activity and health – Santé
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Oceane Letouze