Summer vacations, holiday periods… often associated with family time and happiness, are paradoxically marked by a peak in divorces. How to explain this phenomenon ?

A study conducted by theUniversity of Washington proves that there is a seasonal trend in divorce, with a peak observed between March and August. To reach this conclusion, Julie Brines, associate professor of sociology, and Brian Serafini, doctoral student, examined data on divorce filings from 2001 to 2015 in Washington County.

Researchers advance a sociological dimension

Divorce still remains a taboo subject in many families. For some couples, it may seem more acceptable to wait until after the holidays and vacations, times that are supposed to be synonymous with joy and family sharing, before announcing their separation.

Researchers confirm various other explanations:

  • Time to think : leave offers couples a time to pause and reflect, conducive to questioning the relationship and becoming aware of the problems encountered.
  • Disillusionment with unmet expectations : vacations do not always correspond to the dreams and projections of spouses, which can lead to frustration and bitterness.
  • Longer days and improved morale : sunny days and increased activity could have a positive effect on morale, encouraging certain individuals to realize their intentions…of divorce.
  • New symbolic start : the arrival of spring and summer is often associated with renewal, with a new beginning. For some couples, this symbolism can influence their choice of moment to formalize their divorce, as if it were a question of turning a page and starting a new life.

Even though divorces increase between March and August, each couple has their own problems. Remember that this is a personal and complex decision. If necessary, be accompanied by a professional (couples therapist, legal advisor) to be supported and guided in this major life change.

Anya El Hamdaoui


May 7, 2024, at 5:11 p.m.

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