In pizzas, chips, biscuits, prepared meals… sugar is present almost everywhere in our diet. However, it can have a negative impact on health.

ANSES alerts consumers on this subject.

The main thing to remember

Sugar is present in many processed foods, often at high levelsas in prepared sauces, infant milks, cold meats and ready meals, which poses health risks according to ANSES.

Excessive consumption of sugar contributes to weight gain and increases the risk of disease such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Sugar: public enemy n°1

Even if we don’t always realize it, sugar is everywhere. So, by eating chips, a frozen pizza, a prepared meal… you are ingesting sugar without even realizing it.

According to our colleagues from France Info, “a bowl of chips contains about eight cubes of sugar”. It is about this phenomenon that ANSES wanted to alert consumers.

According to the National Food Safety Agency, sugar is found in 94% of prepared sauces, in 87% of infant milks, in 84% of cold meats and in 71% of fresh cooked dishes. Worrying results when we know the danger of excess sugar in the body!

What effect does sugar have in the body?

Sugars, mainly when they are sou liquid form, in fruit juices, smoothies or sodas, contributes to weight gain.

Beyond certain quantities, sugar consumption presents health risks: increased lipid levels and urea levels in the blood.

Thus, in excess, sugar can lead to overweight, obesity and associated diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. Excessive consumption can also impact oral health.

ANSES recommends do not consume more than 100 g of sugars per day (excluding lactose and galactose) for adults and adolescents. For children aged 8 to 12, it should only not exceed 75 g per day and 60 g per day for children aged 4 to 7 years.

Today, 20 to 30% of French adults and adolescents have sugar intakes higher than recommended.

It is important to prepare your own meals, while paying attention to your food consumption.ultra-processed foods. This will naturally limit the amount of sugar ingested per day.

Florine Cauchie

Health journalist

May 31, 2024, at 12:10 p.m

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