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Twenty dead after armed bandits attack Gressier police station

  • July 1, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 2

A new bloody attack hit the town of Gressier on Sunday, June 30, 2024, as armed bandits stormed the town’s police station, plunging the region into a climate of terror. Around twenty deaths were recorded.

According to witnesses, sporadic gunfire rang out across the region, creating widespread panic among the population. The police officers present at the police station were forced to flee to escape the deadly violence of the attackers.

Gressier Mayor Jean Vladimir Bertrand confirmed the tragic toll of the attack: more than twenty people lost their lives, according to Métronome. The situation remains tense in the region, and local authorities are calling for help to restore order and security. Residents, still in shock, are hoping for a quick and effective response from law enforcement to put an end to this series of violent attacks that are shaking Gressier. Media reports claim that the bandits have started to demolish the police station.

This is the very first attack by bandits against police infrastructure under the reign of Normil Rameau, the new director general of the Haitian National Police. The latter has still not reacted.

It is important to note that Prime Minister Garry Conille, who serves as the head of the High Council of the Haitian National Police (CSPN), is currently in the United States for a multi-day visit.

By: Daniel Zephyr

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Gazette Haiti