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Vireon news of Haiti: At least 3 people died in the deboulay t, Zan Bary Bouty, Capt.

  • May 2, 2024
  • 14 Min
  • 41

Captain, Northern department (Haiti), May 2, 2024 i [Alterpresse] — In the heavy rains that have been falling in recent days on the country of Haiti, at least 3 people died on Thursday, May 2, 2024, Captain, North Department, at the time of the landslide in the Barrière Boutèy area, according to the testimony of fellow journalists Love Mackenzie Paul to AlterPresse and AlterRadio

On the night of Wednesday, May 1 to enter Thursday, May 2, 2024, gangs and guns attacked again under gunfire in the neighborhood of Nazon, Solino, Delma 18 and Delma 24. A terrifying situation, which pushed many people, children, pregnant women and the elderly, to flee leave their homes to seek refuge elsewhere. Throughout the night, people who live in these neighborhoods were crying out for help from the attacks of gangs with guns, who are chasing them without looking back.

Even on the night of Wednesday first into Thursday, May 2, 2024, gunfire would also break out in the area of ​​Klèsin, Taba, on the road Fr/community Petyonvil, and Site Solèy, according to the testimony that came to AlterPresse and AlterRadio.

There must be emergency provisions to guarantee the rights of the population, so that they can live at home without worry. It is a citizen who cannot wait. We are living a management crisis, which has great consequences for the safety of the population. The number of people leaving their homes is increasing every day. The national police and the army must take measures to ensure the protection of the population. It’s a shout out to AlterPresse and AlterRadio, the platform of the Haitian Human Rights Organization / Pohdh.

When bandits and guns attack neighborhoods like this, making people flee their homes to seek refuge elsewhere, it is an unprecedented act of human rights abuse. It is an additional hardship for the population, which is already experiencing all kinds of problems without any institution or authority bringing relief and assistance to them. We feel upset. We are tired of calling for help from the terror of gangs and guns. It is a shout on AlterPresse and AlterRadio of the Citizens’ Organization and Citizens for another Haiti (Ocnh), which indicates the case of many people who were injured by bullets in gang attacks with weapons, on the night of Wednesday first into Thursday, May 2, 2024, on the neighborhood of Nazon, Solino , Delma 18 and Delma 24.

What is happening to the population is even more serious, at a time when we do not know which leader to call and demand action to protect the population. When the country of Haiti is in the situation of these political brigands, as it is today, it is the population that suffers the most. The number of terrorist acts is increasing. Human rights are being trampled on more and more. It is another consideration on AlterPresse and AlterRadio Citizen Organization and Citizens for another Haiti / Ocnh.

As of Wednesday, April 24, 2024, more than 90,000 people have been forced to flee their homes to seek refuge elsewhere, due to the terror of gangs and guns. Thus, the number of people fleeing their homes continues to increase. A good part of these people find refuge in 85 reception centers, in several schools in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince. There are many more who are going to settle in the provincial cities. It is a situation that causes many needs, such as in health matters, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (Ocha).

We remain in agreement with the decision of former senator Edgard Leblanc Fils, who will ensure the coordination of the actions of the President’s Council for the transition. This decision respects the agreement of April 3, 2024, signed by the actors. All those who are interested in proposing people as candidates for the post of prime minister in the transitional government, must bring the documents of these people to the President’s Council for the transition. It is the leading political position of the Collective political parties of January 30, 2023, the platform of Democratic Resistance/Committed to Development (Red/Ede) and its alliances, the political party of Pitid Desalin and the agreement of December 21, 2022 (which brings together the alliances of Ariel Henry’s de facto government), which sends delegates within the President’s Council for the transition.

On May 1, 2024, the following 4 political party gatherings – Collective of political parties of January 30, 2023, platform Democratic Resistance/Engaged for development (Red/Ede) and its alliances, political party of Son of Desalin and the agreement of December 21, 2022 ( which brings together the Ariel Henry de facto government alliance) – declares that they have set up what they call the Majority Block that no one can break at all.

We denounce the wrongdoing of 4 sectors, who say they are the majority inside the President’s Council for the transition, plotting on the backs of the population, on the night of Monday 29 to enter Tuesday 30 April 2024. The collective of January 30, 2023, the platform of Democratic Resistance/Engaged for development (Red/Ede) and its alliance, the political party of Son of Desalin and the agreement of December 21, 2022 (which brings together the alliance of the de facto government of Ariel Henry) signed the agreement of April 3, 2024 . They signed a draft decree, which states how to set up the President’s Transitional Council (CPT) and how it will work. When they decided to appoint a coordinator of the Kpt’s action on their own, without any cooperation, when they decided to choose someone to be the first minister of the transition, without respecting the principles of voting, therefore without elections, they did not respect the rules of the participation game signed the It is the short cry of the Follow-up Office of the August 30, 2021 agreement, better known by the name of the Montana agreement, which has its delegates inside the President’s Council for the transition.

4 sectors, which say they are the majority within the President’s Council for the transition, register themselves in the same process, trampling the agreement signed on April 3, 2024. It is the same process, which is happening under the feet of politics based on respect for principles and morality. The forces of the political mafia and the money mafia have decided to take control of the President’s Council for the transition and the government that will rise, so that they can continue to play the game of the State pressing the source (All this is for the purpose of suppressing the power of the transition and bringing it back a sharing of post and privilege cake, for the benefit of the political class and the money class, which drags the country of Haiti into the mess it is in today take, in a cold head, decisions that are in the interests of the country of Haiti) This is what the Office of Monitoring the Agreement of August 30, 2021, better known as the Montana Agreement, which has its delegate within the President’s Council for the Transition, announced.

The masquerade, held on April 30, 2024 in the Presidential Transitional Council, is a scheme to guarantee the legal thugs of the Haitian Party (Phtk), in their families and allies, to maintain power in the transition period, and continue the tradition of corruption the The people are tired of suffering, while legal criminals and their allies are profiting from it. A good transition, which wants to put the country back on track, must be based on the principle of respecting the political agreement of April 3, 2024. The Lavalas Family political party always says that political power must be at the service of the country, at the service of the majority who are in most need, at the service of the people who are making their demands (Political power should not be at the service of a political group, which leads the country of Haiti to the calamity he is living in. The country’s situation requires a different mode of government. We agree with the demands of the people for a different mode of government, a real transition, which is really angry with corruption, violence, and throw people aside. We throw away with all our strength the betrayal scandal, which occurred on April 30, 2024) This is the position of the Lavalas Family political organization, which also has its delegates within the President’s Council for the transition. [ppsf emb rc apr 02/05/2024 13:10]