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Why do certain songs stay in our heads all day? A neurologist answers

  • June 11, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 13

Can’t get rid of a verse that’s been stuck in your mind for several hours? While some people may enjoy having the hits of their favorite artist constantly in their head, others may experience this phenomenon as a real headache that prevents them from to focus or carry out their daily tasks. But if these unforgettable words can sometimes drive you crazy, don’t panic, it’s something very common.

This event is nicknamed “earworm” by Dr. Steven Gordon, neurologist and assistant professor at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. In an interview with the American media Prevention, he explains that you are affected by an “earworm” when you are “unable to dislodge a song and stop it from repeating in your head, which can sometimes be very uncomfortable. These are often fragments of music, which last between 15 and 30 seconds, which we hear internally in a loop.

What is an “earworm”? A neurologist details this phenomenon

But how does this phenomenon occur in the brain? The expert details that on a neurological level, it is closely linked to brain networks involved in perception, emotion, Memory and hearing. On a psychological level, he adds that “earworms” correspond to “cognitive itch” to which the brain responds automatically, creating a vicious circle. According to the neurologist, this phenomenon occurs at least once a week in many healthy adults and 98% of the Western population has already experienced it. Furthermore, if for two thirds of people, it is experienced in a neutral or positive way, the last third finds it disturbing or boring, according to Sirini Pillay, professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

The people most likely to have music stuck in their head would be those who tend to dream or have a wandering mind, or even the musicians. Steven Gordon adds that this phenomenon can also sometimes be linked to anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders. According to Sirini Pillay, certain personality traits would also be more exposedas anxious peopleembarrassed, vulnerable, or even particularly open to new experiences.

What music is more likely to stay in your head for a long time?

Why are some music more likely than others to trigger “earworms”? According to Steven Gordon, these are “almost always linked to a memory triggered unconsciously by emotions, an association or listening to a melody”. He explains that some songs would be more catchy than others to the mindlike the music “rhythmic, with close intervals, long notes, and common melodic contours, which allows them to more easily invade the brain’s phonological loop, a working memory function that temporarily stores verbal and auditory information”.

While this phenomenon may be uncomfortable for some people, it is mostly harmless. However, Sirini Pillay adds that “earworms” that persist for more than 24 hours can, in some cases, be caused by illnesses. Even if this only corresponds to a tiny portion of cases, he advises contacting a doctor to determine whether this “earworm” is serious or not.

Music stuck in your head: how to get rid of it?

There are many myths circulating around “earworms”, especially about how to get rid of them. Indeed, the neurologist explains that if some people think that you have to listen to the entire song that is in your head in order to forget it, studies would affirm the opposite: the more you listen to it, the more the “earworm” becomes strong. However, he believes that this technique may prove effective for some people. Otherwise, he recommends chewing gum, listening to the radio, or do a puzzle to occupy the mind, in order to expel this parasitic music.

Sources :

  • The Scientific Reason Songs Get Stuck in Your Head, According to a Neurologist – Prevention – 10 juin 2024
  • Why you can’t get a song out of your head and what to do about it – Harvard Health Publishing – 4 octobre 2017
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Emilie Biechy-Tournade