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Young people express the reasons why they are still in Haiti despite the chaotic context

  • May 27, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 16

The resilience of young Haitians in the face of uncertainty and the hope for a better future in Haiti

Despite the precarious socio-economic, security and political situation that Haiti has experienced for several years, many young Haitians choose to stay in the country. Interviewed by the editorial staff of Juno7these young people share the complex reasons that push them to stay and their hope for the future.

Hope for a better tomorrow

For some, the decision to stay in Haiti is fueled by unwavering optimism. “I believe the situation will improve,” says Jean-Pierre, a young computer science graduate. “We have been through difficult times before, and I am convinced that things will eventually change”he believes.

This hope is shared by a few rare young people who see in each crisis an opportunity for renewal. They firmly believe that the country can recover through concerted efforts of the population and the diaspora.

Waiting for the Parole Humanitarian Program

Other young people are banking on the Parole humanitarian program, initiated by American President Joe Biden. This program provides Haitian, Cuban, Venezuelan, and Nicaraguan citizens with the opportunity to legally reenter the United States. Young people hope to find an opportunity through this program to leave the country. Marie, a medical student, expresses her hope:

“I am waiting for my application to be accepted so I can join my family in the United States. This program is a beacon of hope for those who do not have the opportunity to travel”

This initiative has raised many expectations among young people, who see in this program an open door to a better life, far from the daily difficulties of their country. “I still have hope. Biden m ap tann”, said a young person who completed his classical studies last year.

Lack of alternatives and financial means

For many, however, remaining in Haiti is not a deliberate choice but a necessity imposed by economic constraints. They do not work and do not have the means to meet the economic demands of travel. “I do not have the financial means to travel to another country,” confides Marc, a young administration student. “I’m doing my best to survive here, even if it’s difficult”he added.

The lack of financial resources limits options for many young people, forcing them to seek livelihoods in an increasingly hostile environment. “I have resigned myself to working in a restaurant as a waitress even if the salary is a pittance,” Sophie said.

Migration towards other horizons

Despite these challenges, thousands of young people have found ways to leave Haiti. Through the Parole humanitarian program or other means, they are heading to destinations like the Dominican Republic, Chile, Brazil and more recently Mexico, passing through Nicaragua. Their ultimate goal: to reach the United States.

These massive migrations are often marked by dangerous and uncertain journeys. However, for many, the risk is worth taking to escape an unbearable situation. “I went to Mexico, and now I’m trying to cross to the United States,” says Ricardo, a former motorcycle taxi driver. “It’s difficult, but it’s our only hope.”

An uncertain but hopeful future

The situation of young people in Haiti is complex and diverse. Between hope for change, waiting for humanitarian programs, lack of financial alternatives and migration to other countries, each story is unique. What binds them is a common desire for a better future, whether in their native land or elsewhere.

In the face of uncertainty, the resilience of these young people is remarkable. Their courage and determination are powerful testaments to the human capacity to hope and fight for a better life, despite the most difficult circumstances.

*Names have been changed to protect the anonymity of those interviewed.

Young people express the reasons why they are still in Haiti despite the chaotic context

Photo: Maxime Louissaint | Juno7

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