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Haiti | April 21, 1971, the dictator is dead, long live the dictator

  • April 21, 2024
  • 6
  • 12

Flashback – 1971: Duvalier is said to have left instructions for his death to be announced on April 22, although it is believed that the dictator had died several days before.

The 8th president for life of Haiti, the least developed country in the Americas (LDC), did not spare his political enemies, and “his political revolution” even engulfed his own sons.

The dictator only left the National Palace on the 22nd of each month…

Sunday April 21, 2024 ((rezonodwes.com))–President François Duvalier “Papa Doc”, elected under the aegis of the Constitution of December 1950 for a mandate of 6 years, should have ceded power in 1963. Under the pretext of to fight communism and prevent the emergence of a second Cuba in the Caribbean, and after receiving strong signals from Washington, he proclaimed himself “president for life” in 1964, following a bogus referendum substituting electoral competitions to find a successor.

He died at the National Palace after ruling the country with an iron fist for 14 years and sending several intellectuals into exile. The late dictator is believed to have been seriously ill for some time – his illnesses included prostate cancer, heart problems and diabetes.

During his tenure as Haiti’s absolute leader, Mr. Duvalier, 64, survived at least six assassination attempts. A professional doctor and member of the cabinet of President Dumarsais Estimé, like Daniel Fignolé, his sworn enemy, Dr. François Duvalier was elected president in September 1957 following presidential elections marred by numerous irregularities, organized by General Antonio Kébreau . Immediately after his inauguration, he then set about consolidating his power through force, summary executions and by playing on the superstitious nature of many Haitians.

Duvalier weakened the power of the Roman Catholic Church by expelling its archbishop in 1969 and promoting the cult of voodoo while “indigenizing the clergy.”

His security was ensured by his personal militia, the fearsome Tontons Macoutes, and he ensured that they outnumbered the regular Haitian army, reduced to its simplest form, thus diminishing the chances of a coup. Status passed.

François Duvalier was as superstitious as many of those he led, and thereafter he only left the presidential palace on the 22nd of each month. He believed that on the 22nd he was protected by his voodoo spirits and planned many important events in his life for this date.

The story goes that Dr Duvalier was delighted when US President John F. Kennedy, whom he was said to have cursed, was assassinated on November 22, 1963 – a fact which enhanced his reputation for alleged voodoo powers.

President Duvalier reportedly left instructions for his death to be announced on the 22nd, although he is believed to have died several days before.

His son Jean-Claude, nicknamed “Baby Doc”, succeeded him. The 19-year-old high school student was publicly declared his father’s heir in January 1970. At his estate on April 22, 1971, at his inauguration, two days before his father’s stately funeral, he declared that “my father made the political revolution and I will make the economic revolution. » A bitter reality to swallow because after his 15 years in power – 29 years for the dictatorial regime of Duvalier – Haitians have become poorer and more miserable than before 1971, and even more so on April 22, 2024, while the administration Haitian society has become more corrupt, more criminal and more criticized than ever, and the State is bankrupt.

Poor Haiti! Dictators follow one another but are not alike.