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Daily Express US | Bill and Hillary Clinton accused of decline of Haiti, ravaged by gang violence

  • March 20, 2024
  • 2 Min
  • 40

Bill and Hillary Clinton slammed for Haiti’s ‘decline’ as country ravaged by gang violence

Bill and Hillary Clinton slammed for Haiti’s ‘decline’ as country ravaged by gang violence – World News – News – Daily Express US (

Wednesday, March 20, 2024 ((–Bill and Hillary Clinton are under fire for their roles in Haiti’s ongoing crisis, as years of poor financial management have left the country vulnerable to the influence of criminal gangs.

Haiti has struggled with instability for decades, but the situation deteriorated significantly after the 2010 earthquake, which devastated much of its infrastructure and cost around 300,000 lives.

Following this disaster, the Clintons led the international reconstruction effort in Haiti. However, Jack Brewer, a former NFL player who now heads the Jack Brewer Foundation, a charity providing aid to unstable nations, publicly condemned the Clintons for their shortcomings in Haiti.

Speaking on Fox News, Brewer lamented: “Unfortunately, despite the opportunity for Haiti to rebuild after the 2010 earthquake that claimed more than 300,000 lives, that prospect was squandered due to a widespread corruption. »