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Haiti – FLASH: election of the President of the Transition Council postponed indefinitely

  • March 27, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 31

Haiti – FLASH: Election of the President of the Transitional Council postponed “sine die”
27/03/2024 09:43:47

Tuesday March 26, 2024, the election of the President of the Presidential Transitional Council (CPT) was postponed “sine die”. The representatives of the Montana agreement and Famni Lavalas propose to elect the President of the Council after the installation of the CPT, the other members want this election this week. However, slowly the trend seems to be moving towards an election this week…

Besides this item, members continued to work on a memorandum of understanding on the formation of the Council. However, Tuesday’s working session did not make it possible to find an agreement on these two points but progressed in small steps…

This Wednesday, the designated members of the CPT are expected to publish a first official statement on the progress of their discussions.

Furthermore, note that the Rally for a National Accord (REN) has designated the Agronomist Régine Abraham as an observer without the right to vote, as its representative on the Presidential Council, to replace the resigning Dr. René Jean-Jumeau https://www . His name has already been transmitted to CARICOM.


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