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Crisis: Persistence of sexual violence against women and girls in Haiti, several UN experts are alarmed

  • May 7, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 39

P-au-P, 07 from 2024 [AlterPresse] — Several experts from the United Nations (UN) [[1] declare that they are alarmed by the sexual violence that women and girls continue to suffer, the first victims of the crisis ravaging Haiti, according to information gathered by the online agency AlterPresse.

These UN experts denounce criminal gangs, who continue to use sexual violence against women and girls as a main tactic to instill fear, extort money, take control of power, as well as to punish communities local.

“Internally displaced women and girls, who live in inadequate and precarious displacement sites, are particularly vulnerable to sexual violence,” declared, on Monday May 6, 2024, these UN experts, quoted by the Onu info site consulted by AlterPresse.

A warning is also issued against the increased risks and prevalence of trafficking of women and girls for the purposes of sexual exploitation and sexual slavery.

Women and girls continue to disproportionately suffer the consequences of the crisis in Haiti.

In addition, pre-existing inequalities and sexist discrimination worsen the situation, point out these UN experts, emphasizing how the rights of women and girls are the subject of widespread violations “with complete impunity”.

She/they speak of an unprecedented outbreak of violence in Haiti, which endangers the right to physical and mental integrity, even to life.

This violence has led to the loss of livelihoods and food insecurity of the population, widespread and multiple displacements, the collapse of education, and the failure of health and other essential services, say the experts. and experts.

They also deplore the lack of access to justice, due to fear of reprisals and a lack of economic opportunities.

UN experts point to the serious and persistent inability of the authorities to protect and enforce the rights of women and girls in this crisis situation.

Survivors of violence still cannot receive the assistance and protection they need, they criticize, calling on criminal gangs to immediately end all forms of gender-based violence.

1,169 women and girls are victims of sexual violence, while 679 are victims of physical violence, from January to November 2023 in Haitinoted the feminist organization Brown girlin a report.

Between May 2022 and March 2023, at least 652 women and girls were victims of individual and gang rape in gang-controlled areas, she recorded.

From January to March 2024, 2,505 people were killed and injured in violence linked to armed gangs in Haitiaccording to a report from the United Nations Integrated Office in Haiti (Binuh), dated Friday April 19, 2024.

These cases of murders and injuries increased by more than 53% compared to the period from October to December 2023. Which means that the first three months of 2024 represent the most violent period, since at least the beginning of 2022, notes the Binuh. [emb rc apr 07/05/2024 11:10]

[[1] The UN experts are Dorothy Estrada Tanck (chair), Claudia Flores, Ivana Krstić, Haina Lu, and Laura Nyirinkindi, working group on discrimination against women and girls; Margaret Satterthwaite, special rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers; Tlaleng Mofokeng, special rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest possible standard of physical and mental health; Alice Jill Edwards, Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; Tomoya Obokata, special rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery, including their causes and consequences; Paula Gaviria Betancur, special rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons; Siobhán Mullally, Special Rapporteur on trafficking in human beings, especially women and children; Mama Fatima Singhateh, Special Rapporteur on the sale and sexual exploitation of children; Reem Alsalem, Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, its causes and consequences; Morris Tidball-Binz, special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions; Michael Fakhri, Special Rapporteur on the right to food.