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Insecurity in Haiti seriously affects the financial sector, reveals a BRH document

  • June 6, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 16

Insecurity in Haiti seriously affects the financial sector, reveals a document from the Bank of the Republic of Haiti.

The Bank of the Republic of Haiti (BRH) published the second issue of its magazine “BRH-Info à la Loupe”, focusing on “the impact of insecurity on human capital in the financial sector”. This document, developed under the supervision of Governor Ronald Gabriel, reveals the serious consequences of insecurity on the human resources and finances of Haitian financial institutions, as well as the adaptation strategies put in place.

According to data from the document, the loss of human capital amounts to 12.78% of the total workforce in the financial sector. Between October 2022 and December 2023, 626 employees left their positions, of which 186 emigrated abroad, representing 30% of departures.

Faced with these challenges, financial institutions have undertaken recruitment to replace missing staff, although this process is fraught with pitfalls. These recruitments, often carried out in partnership with universities and through online notices, enabled 66% of institutions to hire new executives, mainly young people aged between 25 and 34.

For more details, the BRH invites you to consult the full report via this link

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