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15 million dollars behind the PHTK penal code: The serious concerns of Pastor Grgory Toussaint in a letter Garry Conille and Edgard Leblanc, Read More

  • June 19, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 10

In a letter addressed to the Haitian authorities, Pastor Grégory Toussaint, leader of the Tabernacle of Glory Churches, expresses serious concerns regarding the new Haitian Penal Code. This legislation, initially published under the administration of President PHTK-Tèt Kale 2, Jovenel Moïse, was to come into force in June 2022, but its implementation was postponed until June 2024.

According to Pastor Toussaint, certain articles of the Penal Code are morally controversial and threaten the ethical values ​​of Haitian society.

Suspicious financing of $15 million

Pastor Toussaint declared Wednesday evening during a sermon followed online by more than 40,000 Internet users, that 15 million dollars were invested to support this controversial legislative text, a sum which he attributes to determined influential and wealthy individuals to impose this Penal Code on Haitians. He criticized this maneuver, calling it an attempt at external influence aimed at perverting the morals of the Haitian nation.

Controversies and moral concerns

In his correspondence to the Prime Minister of the de facto government, Dr. Garry Conille, Pastor Toussaint cites several specific articles (248, 264, 273, 275, 277, 278, 298, 301, 304, 306, 362, 363, 366, 376 , 468 and 471) which he considers “irritating”.

Among the concerns raised, he mentions provisions on sex tourism and articles relating to sexual relations between men and animals, which he considers unacceptable and contrary to Haitian values.

Call to action and mobilization

The Haitian religious sector, represented by Pastor Toussaint, made its concerns known through various actions, including a petition that collected nearly 185,000 signatures and public demonstrations. These actions aim to encourage the authorities to postpone the entry into force of the Penal Code and to revise its most controversial aspects.

Reactions from the authorities

In June 2022, the de facto Prime Minister of the failed government, Dr. Ariel Henry, established a nine-member commission to evaluate the Penal Code and recommend changes. This commission had indeed recognized the need to modify certain articles, but according to Pastor Toussaint, no concrete action has been taken since then to respond to the demands of the religious sector and civil society in general.

A call for the protection of Haitian values

Pastor Toussaint’s letter ends with an urgent appeal to the authorities to take immediate measures to postpone the implementation of the new Penal Code and to make the necessary modifications. He insists on the importance of protecting the moral values ​​of Haitian society and preventing any form of legislative immorality that could result from this controversial text.

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