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Laetisia Belizaire Installed This Thursday Consul General of Haiti in Miami

  • June 27, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 7

Portrait of Laetisia Belizaire, Acting Consul General of Haiti in Miami.

Laetisia Belizaire, born April 13, 1990 in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, from the diplomatic lounge of Toussaint Louverture International Airport in Port-au-Prince to the prestigious position of Acting Consul General of Haiti in Miami, Laetisia embodies determination, competence and commitment to her community.

A remarkable professional career

In 2015, Laetisia began her professional career as a diplomatic attaché at the diplomatic lounge at Toussaint Louverture international airport, where she excelled for five years. In 2020, she was appointed Vice Consul in Boston, where she distinguished herself by her management of academic and cultural cooperation. His expertise in cultural diplomacy and academic partnerships earned him a promotion in 2024 as Consul General in Miami.

Accustomed to Haitian diplomacy, Laetisia Belizaire has always worked tirelessly to represent the interests of Haiti, assist its citizens abroad and promote trade and cultural exchanges. “I was moved to have been chosen by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to be Consul General in Miami. I was shocked also because I know that there are many other women who could be chosen even though I know that I am also competent for the position,” she said in an interview with Juno7.

Laetisia is determined to use her experience and wisdom to move things forward, while soliciting the support of the Haitian community for the new team at the Consulate of Haiti in Miami. “It’s time to give the Consulate team a chance so they can show new things,” she concluded.

Skills and Achievements

Laetisia Belizaire excels in consulting in international protocol, diplomatic etiquette, crisis management and intercultural communication. She has led public awareness and cultural diplomacy initiatives, significantly improving cultural understanding. His background demonstrates his exceptional skills in event planning, media relations and social media management.

Certifications et formations

Laetisia has enriched her knowledge by following prestigious programs such as the Associate in Protocol and International Business at the US Institute Of Diplomacy And Human Rights, and certificates in International Diplomacy at the Taiwan Institute of Diplomacy and International Affairs and at the Foreign Service Institute in India.

With a career dedicated to diplomacy and public service, Laetisia Belizaire continues to proudly represent Haiti and support the Haitian community abroad. Her exemplary career and unwavering commitment make her an inspiring figure for future generations of diplomats.

Laetisia Belizaire Installed this Thursday Acting Consul General of Haiti in Miami

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