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Dominique Dupuy brings a message of hope to the OAS and calls for help to support the MMSS

  • June 27, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 12

Haiti in search of stability and reconstruction: Dominique Dupuy’s message of hope to the OAS and his call for help to support the MMSS

The Minister of Foreign Affairs made her entrance into the grand court of the hemispheric organization by participating in the 54th session of the General Assembly of theOrganization of American States (OAS). In her speech, which lasted about ten minutes, she spoke as much about the challenges that have had a devastating impact on the daily lives of Haitians, depriving them of security, economic opportunities and basic services as about the hope that is gradually being reborn in the streets of the capital.

“These timid and fragile signals” as “the sweep of commercial aircraft that has resumed in our skies”the students who returned to school and the gangs who drastically reduced their activities did not prevent him from evoking the suffering of fellow Haitians who are still faced with difficult living conditions.

However, despite challenges, she said “An unprecedented moment of national unity was born in an opportunity realized with the benevolent support of CARICOM. Rarely in our recent history as a people have we had the opportunity to truly be all on board the same train. Today all the players declare themselves determined to put the country back on the track of sustainable development and towards the polls. We are beginning a chapter of growth cautiously but fully” she said to welcome the efforts made by the actors to set up this transitional government.

The new Haitian government has set several priority objectives. First, the restoration of security is essential to create an environment conducive to the revival of economic activities. Firm measures will be taken to combat corruption, arms trafficking, human trafficking and illicit trafficking of cultural property.

Dominique Dupuy brings a message of hope to the OAS and calls for help to support the MMSS

Call to support the MMSS

Security is a major concern for the government. In addition to the national police and the armed forces, Kenyan police officers and police officers from other countries in the region can now be counted on to be part of the multinational security support mission. For her, this is the moment to seize to help the country turn a corner and help the region at the same time. That is why the Chancellor has tried to demonstrate the need for there to be “massive and urgent support” to this mission, because it is the “time to guarantee a better tomorrow for all Haitians and for the entire region. »

“We also hope that this mission will be the last time where Haiti will have to resort to such an approach to understand its future. It is imperative that this mission fully achieves its objectives alongside the Haitian national police. So I tell you in very clear words that now is the time to support Haiti. Now is the time to contribute to strengthening our heroic national police and our armed forces”

Minister Dupuy also thanked the partners, particularly the United States of America, who have already provided financial, technical or personnel support, and appealed to all stakeholders to contribute to building a better future for Haiti.

Dominique Dupuy brings a message of hope to the OAS and calls for help to support the MMSS

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