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June 29, 2021: Assassination of activist Antoinette Duclaire and journalist Diego Charles

  • June 29, 2024
  • 4 Min
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The ephemeris of the day: national holidays, events marking the history of Haiti, proverbs… the online agency Juno7 brings you a refresher of your memory.

Today is Saturday, June 29, 2024

June 29, 2021: assassination of activist Antoinette Duclaire and journalist Diego Charles. Journalist Diego Charles from radio Vision 2000 and political activist Marie Antoinette Duclaire, spokesperson for Matris Liberasyon, were shot dead on Wednesday June 29, 2021 at Accacia Extended Street, in the Christ-Roi area. Diego Charles was a journalist at Radio Vision 2000 and worked for the site Republic Magazinewhich he co-founded with Antoinette Duclaire.

June 29, 1629 : The French in Saint-Domingue.- The French ship Notre-Dame, commanded by Monsieur de la Petitière, stops at the island of La Tortue to repair a waterway. This is the starting point for the colonization of Hispaniola by the French and the setbacks of the Native Americans, the slaves brought back from Africa and the Haitians who still survive today.

June 29, 1902 : Destruction of Firmin’s house.- Nord Alexis had the home of his political adversary Anténor Firmin destroyed. Along with the destruction of his house and his property was burned the manuscript of a history textbook that the author of the essay “On the equality of races” and father of positive anthropology was preparing.

June 29, 1939 : Revision by the National Assembly of some articles of the Constitution of 1935. – Ratified by referendum on June 2, 1935, two years after the Agreement on the withdrawal of American troops (August 7, 1933), this constitution gave a semblance of sovereignty to Haiti. It also granted a new five-year mandate to President Vincent.

June 29, 2007 : a financing agreement, of more than 3 million euros, is signed between the national branches of the EU and the FAO at the Office of Prime Minister Jacques Edouard Alexis, with a view to carrying out a second general agricultural census on all the national territory.

June 29, 2022 : The crew of the Coast Guard Cutter William Trum repatriates 98 Haitians to Cap-Haïtien after rescuing them about 40 miles southeast of Islamorada.

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