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The Benjamin family and the Ti Souf Foundation pay tribute to Mikaben through a peace project

  • June 29, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 8

The Benjamin family and the Ti Souf Foundation launch a peace project in tribute to Mikaben

To mark the 43rd birthday of the artist Michael Benjamin, better known as Mikaben, who died in October 2022, his family and the Ti Souf Foundation launched an ambitious and hopeful project during a press conference on Thursday June 27, 2024. The project entitled “Simen lanmou, rekòlte lapè” aims to train 40 young people from July 1 so that they become agents of peace within their communities.

Lionel Benjamin Jr., Mikaben’s older brother, opened the conference tracing the history of the Ti Souf Foundation, founded in 2010 by Mikaben. He explained that the idea of ​​creating a foundation was born from a complicity with his brother, driven by the desire to contribute to the advancement of Haitian society.

Roseline Benjamin, Mikaben’s mother, stressed the importance of personal development, a value she instilled in her children from a young age. She explained that the goal of this program is to find 40 young people who, through personal development, will learn to know themselves better, manage communication and their emotions, to become pillars of peace in their communities.

Joining Roseline Benjamin on the panel were Lionel Benjamin Jr., his sister Mélodie and his father Lionel Benjamin, all gathered to honor Mikaben’s memory.

Since its creation, the Foundation Little Breath has been involved in various projects to improve children’s education in Haiti. In September 2022, it launched a fundraising campaign to support teachers.

“Simen lanmou, rekòlte lapè” promises to be a key initiative to promote peace and personal development among Haitian youth, a dream dear to Mikaben and a step closer to realizing his vision of a better Haiti.

La famille Benjamin et la Fondation Ti Souf rendent hommage à Mikaben à travers un projet pour la paix
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