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Haiti – Politics: Garry Conille’s first official trip to the USA

  • June 29, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 6

Haiti – Politics: First official trip of Garry Conille to the USA
29/06/2024 09:46:47

Friday, June 28, 2024, Prime Minister Garry Conille, leading a Haitian delegation, left the capital in the afternoon to travel to Washington and New York, his first official trip since he was appointed Prime Minister.

The Head of Government is accompanied by Nesmy Manigat, his Chief of Staff, Marie DA Ketleen Florestal, the Minister of Economy and Finance, also Minister of Planning and External Cooperation, and Dominique Dupuy, also the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Minister of Haitians Living Abroad.

During its stay, the delegation, chaired by Prime Minister Conille, will have important working meetings with, among others, officials of international financial institutions. An inspection visit to the Haitian Embassy in Washington is also on the agenda.

In the absence of the Prime Minister, the interim is ensured by Me Carlos Hercule, Minister of Justice and Public Security.

The Prime Minister has not communicated any date for the delegation’s return to Haiti.

HL/ HaitiLibre

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