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When Garry Conille extends an olive branch to the gangs.

  • July 10, 2024
  • 13 Min
  • 3

Barely in office, Haiti’s new Prime Minister, Garry Conille, has already added his name to the list of Graham Greene’s “comedians” who occupy the forefront of the political scene.

In a country ravaged by violence from armed gangs where it would be better to toughen the tone against the bandits so that fear finally changes sides, the head of government has found nothing better to propose as a solution to the security crisis that is eating away at the country than to negotiate with the assassins, criminals and thugs.

It’s burlesque, Kafkaesque and it’s disgusting! After the resignation of the former de facto Prime Minister Ariel Henry, we were saying to ourselves, inwardly: good riddance, the amorphous man is finally gone; but we were far from imagining that we were going to go from “the white bonnet to the white bonnet”. And in fact the new leader, Garry Conille, is revealing himself to be worse than Ariel who, at least, had never proposed the idea of ​​negotiating (what a crazy idea!) a deal, of concluding a pact with the crooks.

Following the proposal of the head of the Prime Minister’s office, Jimmy Chérizier, known as Barbecue and self-proclaimed leader of the coalition of gang leaders, G9 en famille (Vivre Ensemble) hastened to respond positively to the proposal of Prime Minister Conille to take him at his word and put him against the wall. Because it would be unseemly and poorly regarded if he withdrew his proposal, if he retracted and backtracked.

Chérizier, the shrewd one, immediately saw in the said proposal an olive branch extended by the head of the Transitional Council that he must seize. In an audiovisual message where he wore purple clothing (a sinister symbol of his unquenchable appetite for blood), he also said he was ready to negotiate.

Would they have us believe that despite the presence in Haiti of the Kenyan military contingent, the FADH (Armed Forces of Haiti) and the National Police composed of thousands of members, the government is incapable of eradicating the gangs that control nearly 80% of the Haitian capital, and that instead of showing determination – a fierce determination – to annihilate these criminals, Mr. Garry Conille would prefer to renounce the commitments made to the nation and, on the contrary, kneel before them? This would be a pure and simple abdication. A shameful abdication, a fatal, irresponsible denial, a betrayal.

Many interpret this gesture as a sign of weakness and cowardice. But others think that there is something fishy going on. For these “bad tongues”, let’s say for the skeptics, in the prime minister’s agenda there would be a bit of everything, except the will to finish with the bandits. The reason is simple: they are a useful monster.

The camarilla of thugs and criminals did not emerge by chance in a vacuum. They were created for a very specific mission: to establish a policy of terror in order to barricade the population in their homes so that they do not participate en masse in elections. In such a way that elections can always be held with the minimum participation of the population.

To understand this aspect, one must take into account the political platform that catapulted Mr. Conille to the forefront. Indeed, contrary to the spiel of a certain press that tries to sell the image of the Prime Minister as a defector from the government of former President Michel Martelly, the biting reality is that he is in fact the crudely disguised version of the eccentric musician. Let’s not kid ourselves! Don’t let yourself be fooled or cajoled. Garry Conille is not a neutral agent. These are the same actors dressed in new costumes, no more, no less.

As someone else said: “nothing good can come out of Nazareth”, in the same vein we should say that if Garry Conille really had a good political pedigree, he would never have agreed to be the Prime Minister of Michel Martelly whose escapades we know all too well.

A rotten tree cannot produce good fruit.

Sweet Micky had chosen Garry Conille in 2011 to be his Prime Minister because of an affinity, one might even say a sort of fascination that both men have for fascism. His father was the right-hand man of Dr. Roger Lafontant—a man whose name is associated with the worst atrocities that the Haitian people experienced under the Papadocracy regime, the president for life, Dr. François Duvalier (1957-1971). Let us recall that Mr. Conille had not resigned as head of government of President Martelly. He was, in a humiliating way, dismissed by the head of state, his boss.

We also find the same conciliatory speech of Garry Conille in the mouth of Guy Philippe, a little abortion who, barely out of prison for money laundering, wanted to pass himself off as a revolutionary. For these two men (Garry Conille and Guy Philippe), we should wipe the slate clean on the heinous crimes, the repeated rapes, the indescribable suffering and the unspeakable savagery of the gangs, they all deserve to be pardoned!

That said, we understand that there are cases in jurisprudence where people who had taken up arms were able to benefit from an amnesty. The case of the rebels of the Biafran war is the perfect example, the famous and perfect illustration. After three years of conflict during which nearly 2 million people had died, the rebel forces had decided to lay down their arms to participate in a national reintegration program initiated by the Nigerian government.

The same was true in Angola, where on November 20, 1994, President Jose Eduardo dos Santos extended an olive branch to rebel leader Jonas Savimbi to end 27 years of conflict in their country.

But we cannot, under any circumstances, reproduce these examples in Haiti. For the simple reason that it is not the same scenario. What is happening in our country is not a war involving two protagonists. On one side, we have a civilian population, left to fend for itself, not knowing which way to turn, and on the other, we have a group of heavily armed terrorists who mercilessly kill, rape, pillage and ransom the civilian population.

These criminals who behave like butchers of the people have no place among civilized people. Even less so than there can be any negotiation with the underworld that the gangs represent. It is pure naivety to expect that the conciliatory speech given by the Prime Minister can push terrorists of the caliber of Jimmy Chérizier, Izo, Vitélòm, Lanmò san jou and other criminals of the same ilk to lay down their arms.

By doing so, the Prime Minister presents the caricatured image of a weakling who knows nothing about the art of leading and governing.

Because it is outrageously unhealthy to ask the people to embrace the one who approaches them with a sharp dagger. This is not the time for dialogue. Garry Conille should instead set about, in concert with the justice system, setting up a special tribunal to judge the terrorists who are giving the people a hard time.

Ducasse Alcin.

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