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Haiti: Official presentation of the charter to the Rotaract club of Quisqueya University

  • July 16, 2024
  • 8 Min
  • 2

The Rotaract Club of Quisqueya University is the newest link added to the great chain of Rotary International and Haiti. The presentation of the charter as well as the investiture of the First President of the Rotaract Club of Quisqueya University, Vanessa CLERGÉ took place on Saturday, July 6, 2024 at the University Campus, in the presence of various big names in Rotary International and representatives of HAITI clubs including: the Governor of District 7020, Mrs. Dominique Bazin; Assistant Governor Alain Haspil, sponsor of the club Me E. Jean-Baptiste BROWN, a connoisseur of Rotary International, member of the Rotary Club of Petion-Ville and Past – Assistant Governor; Dr. Gina JOACHIN, Past-President of the Rotary Club of Port-au-Prince, Dr. Marc Prou ​​of Quisqueya University, to name a few.

THE HAITI FACTOR, July 16, 2024._During this important ceremony which marks the integration of the club into the international Rotary community, Mrs. Dominique Bazin, Governor of District 7020 (which includes around ten countries and regions such as Jamaica, the Bahamas, Saint Croix, the British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos, etc.), expressed her gratitude for this major initiative which augurs a flourishing future for the Rotary family.

She also highlighted, while officially handing over the charter to this new committee, the aspects related to the meaning of Rotary for each member and for the locality, to the commitments made by the club by becoming a member of Rotary, without forgetting the links which unite Rotarians/Rotaractors in the district and throughout the world.

The Immediate Past-President of the Rotary Club of Bourdon, Mrs. Evelyne Paul DENISKA, also expressed her team’s satisfaction in having sponsored the creation of the Rotaract Club of Quisqueya University, which she considers a huge step towards the development of the Rotary family of Haiti. She took the opportunity to appreciate the vitality and involvement of this new committee which opens up great prospects for the Rotary Club community.

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Haiti: Official presentation of the charter to the Rotaract club of Quisqueya University
Mr. E. Jean Baptiste BROWN receiving a certificate of honor and merit from the Rotaract Club of Quisqueya University

“By receiving the charter, we accept the challenge of becoming agents of positive change,” said the president of the new club, Vanessa CLERGÉ, who also stressed that her team intends to commit to carrying out concrete actions that meet the needs of the community, whether educational, environmental, health or social.

The activities of the new committee will cover the 7 strategic axes of Rotary International. “We want to be, alongside our brothers and sisters Rotaractors who are the catalysts of progress,” she continued, while affirming that her staff is preparing to offer its time, skills and energy to make a tangible and lasting difference.

The Rotaract Club of Quisqueya University promises to embody the spirit of collaboration, responsibility and leadership that has always been the hallmark of Quisqueya University.

Haiti: Official presentation of the charter to the Rotaract club of Quisqueya University
Miss Vanessa Clergé
the Veleureuse president of the Rotaract Club of UNIQ

Rotaract is a service club for young people aged 18 to 30, students or young professionals, men or women carrying out actions of all types during the year. Rotaract is considered a sponsorship association of Rotary International created in 1905 whose goal is “to serve, give time and commit to the benefit of others”.

The Rotarct Club of Quisqueya University, like all other Rotaract Clubs, is committed to promoting true solidarity in the service of the community, with members more determined than ever to help the most disadvantaged groups.


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Le Facteur Haiti