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After solving the gang problem in El Salvador, Nayib Bukele attacks the economy

  • April 3, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 30

President Nayib Bukele is seeking to boost the Salvadoran economy by introducing Bitcoin as legal tender, but challenges persist.

Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele won presidential elections earlier this year and is expected to remain in office for at least four more years. During his first four years in power, unlike in Haiti where the PHTK regime is denounced for its collusion with terrorists, he focused on the “war against gangs”, thanks to which he managed to considerably reduce violence and crime in general, with methods widely criticized for violating human rights. But in the world of big business, trust and security translate into a better business environment, and that’s what Bukele is seeking to create today. If public order was the first obstacle to overcome, the economy will be the second.

Nayib Bukele is determined to get his country’s economy back on track after years of fighting crime. Its most recent initiative involves making Bitcoin legal tender in El Salvador, a world first. However, despite this bold step, the use of Bitcoin remains marginal in the country, according to central bank data.

Although the introduction of Bitcoin has increased the value of El Salvador’s international reserves, the country still experiences difficulty attracting foreign direct investment. High crime rates and political instability pose major obstacles in this regard.

To overcome these challenges, the Salvadoran government is seeking to promote major infrastructure projects and negotiate with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for more stable financing. Some experts believe this combination of measures focused on security and cryptocurrencies could help attract investors and revive the Salvadoran economy.

Despite ongoing uncertainties and challenges, Bukele remains optimistic about his country’s economic future. He sees the introduction of Bitcoin as an opportunity for modernization and growth, even if the road ahead remains long.

El Salvador is entering a new economic era with the introduction of Bitcoin, but challenges remain numerous. The country’s ability to overcome these obstacles will determine its future success in the race for economic prosperity.