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After Washington, Garry Conille mobilizes the United Nations Security Council on the immediate future of Haiti

  • July 3, 2024
  • 6 Min
  • 5

After a series of bilateral meetings with American authorities and donors including the IDB and the IMF, Garry Conille mobilizes the Security Council on Haiti.

The United Nations Security Council met this Wednesday, July 3, under the presidency of the Russian Federation, welcoming the first speech by Garry Conille, who presented the five major transition projects.

In his remarks to the Security Council, Garry Conille gave a general overview of the situation in Haiti with a view to finding strong, real and immediate support from the international community to resolve the current crisis in Haiti.

Accompanied by his Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dominique Dupuy, he expressed a very clear vision by prioritizing the resolution of the security, humanitarian and institutional crisis with the support of international actors.

He launched an urgent appeal to the international community asking it to accelerate its efforts while respecting the priority of the Haitian State defined in the roadmap of his government in concert with the CPT.

For her part, the head of BiBUH, Maria Isabel Salvador, presented a dark picture of the situation, stressing that 30 to 50% of gang members are children according to a recent UNICEF report, she said. She denounced the worrying situation of 78 thousand internally displaced persons in the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince due to gang violence.

Après Washington, Garry Conille mobilise le Conseil de sécurité des nations unies sur l'avenir immédiat d'Haïti

Photo Credit: Juno7

She reiterated her call to international actors to honor their commitments made in the Security Council resolution on the deployment of the MMSS in Haiti. At the same time, she welcomed the arrival of the first contingent of Kenyan police officers on June 25, she praised the Prime Minister for having chosen 6 women to lead ministries, representing 33% of the government, and Minister Dominique Dupuy who promoted 50% of women to head diplomatic missions.

In their speeches, the United States, Russia, France, the United Kingdom, China, Canada, Ecuador and Caricom commended the CPT and PM Conille for the formation of the government and the political parties that reached the Kingston agreement on March 11, 2024. The members of the Security Council congratulated Prime Minister Conille for the leadership of 6 ministries entrusted to women and the promotion of 50% of women at the head of diplomatic missions by Minister Dominique DUPUY.

The Council reiterates its support for the people and government to resolve the crisis. The majority of the permanent members of the Security Council urge the UN Committee of Experts to reactivate the sanctions regime against individuals who facilitate armed gang violence in Haiti and hold them accountable for their actions.

Several countries reiterate their commitments to support the deployment of the MMSS led by Kenya and to foster a climate conducive to the organization of elections and the restoration of democratic institutions.

Immediately after his meeting with the Security Council, Garry Conille met with all members of the ECOSOC ad hoc group on the summons of Canada’s permanent ambassador to the United Nations, Bob Rae, at the organization’s headquarters in New York.

ECOSOC ad hoc group members pledge renewed support for prime minister Garry Conille to supply the trust fund with more than 600 million dollars for the deployment of the MMSS in order to facilitate the resumption of activities and the restoration of democratic institutions.

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