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Airlines postpone the resumption of their flights to Hati

  • May 10, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 23

The tarmac at Toussaint Louverture International Airport should wait before seeing commercial flights land.

Security remains a primary concern for airlines operating to Haiti, particularly in Port-au-Prince. Following continued reports of gang violence, particularly near Toussaint Louverture International Airport in Port-au-Prince, American Airlines, JetBlue Airways and Spirit have all made the decision to delay the resumption of their flights to the capital Haitian, reported in an article the American newspaper Miami Herald.

American Airlines, which had initially planned to resume its flights on May 16, announced that its operations will not resume until May 30. This decision comes as the company continues to closely monitor the security situation in Haiti, putting the safety of its passengers and staff at the top of its priorities.

Similarly, JetBlue Airways postponed its resumption of flights to Haiti from May 15 to Tuesday, June 4, taking into account ongoing security challenges in the country. This move aims to ensure the safety of its operations and ensure a safe travel experience for its passengers. “The safety and security of our customers and crew members is our top priority. Due to the recent civil unrest in Haiti, we have canceled our operations through Tuesday, June 4,” said JetBlue spokesperson Derek Dombrowski.

According to Miami Herald, Spirit Airlines is also maintaining the suspension of its flights to Port-au-Prince until further notice, highlighting continued concerns about the safety of travelers and staff. The company is closely monitoring the situation and will take decisions accordingly to ensure the safety of its operations.

These delays in resuming flights to Haiti are largely attributable to ongoing security challenges in the country, with an increase in gang activity and reports of violence near the international airport.

The decision to delay flights until May 23 is also linked to the planned deployment of the first soldiers of the multinational force to Haiti. This enhanced military presence aims to help stabilize the security situation in the country and restore confidence in air travel to Haiti.

Safety remains the top priority for airlines operating to Haiti, and these delays in resuming flights reflect their commitment to ensuring safe and secure travel for their passengers.

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