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Around 53,000 people have fled the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area due to gang violence

  • April 2, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 38

L’International Organization for Migration (IOM), announces that 53,125 people left their homes, during the period from March 8 to 29, the metropolitan area of ​​Port-Au-Prince, towards other regions of the country.

L’International Organization for Migration (IOM), cited by international media, announced this Tuesday, April 2, 2024 that 53,125 people left the metropolitan region of Port-au-Prince between March 8 and 29 because of attacks by armed gangs. The displaced people fled the Haitian capital to take refuge in other places in the country, particularly in the departments of the Great South.

Indeed, the IOM observed during the period from March 8 to 29 the displacement of 53,125 people to other regions of the country. According to the latest figures, the southern region of the country had already welcomed 116,000 displaced people in previous months. Recent statistics show 33,000 people having fled between March 8 and 20.

In its statement, IOM stressed that

“The destination provinces of the displaced do not have sufficient infrastructure and the host communities do not have sufficient resources that can enable them to cope with these massive displacement flows coming from the capital.”

Furthermore, 68% of people who fled the Haitian capital were already internally displaced persons who had taken refuge with a relative, in schools and in public squares. Some of them have even been displaced two, three or four times because of gang violence in their neighborhoods.

For about a month, the gangs have decided to “Live Together” to sow terror and bring chaos to the country, particularly the Haitian capital. They attack police stations, banks, schools, prisons, Toussaint Louverture international airport, faculties and public administration offices.

In the meantime, stakeholders have been struggling to find a solution to install the Presidential Council since the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry.

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