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Black Alliance for Peace Condemns Evil Black American Leaders for Supporting US Military Intervention and Occupation of Haiti

  • June 26, 2024
  • 10 Min
  • 6
From left to right Al Sharpton, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi

LBlack Alliance for Peace Haiti/Americas Team Rebukes U.S. Class of ” deceptive leadership » black for her support of the latest American invasion and occupation of Haiti. We condemn the participation of this class in discussions with the US security state and its promotion of imperialist foreign policy objectives aimed at undermining Haitian sovereignty and dignity.

On March 29, 2024, Jon Finer, Deputy National Security Advisor of the United States, led a meeting on Haiti policy with a select group of “ leaders of black civil rights groups based in the United States”The White House statement listed participants as Rev. Al Sharpton of the National Action Network, Ron Daniels of the Institute of the Black World (IBW21), Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League, Derrick Johnson, president of the NAACP, and Jocelyn McCalla, senior policy advisor for the Haitian American Foundation for Democracy.

Why would the US National Security Office sponsor a meeting on Haiti with these groups? The statement affirms that the United States is determined to “ensure a better future for Haiti.” But the most important aspect of the meeting was the need, according to the White House, to rally support for “ the UN-authorized Multinational Security Support Mission (MSS) in Haiti and to propose Haitian-led solutions to the political impasse.”

It appears that these black leaders gathered around the white power latrines were ordered to march to fabricate black consent for the continued American occupation and oppression of Haiti. Since this meeting, the voices of Black Americans have multiplied, claiming to speak on behalf of Haiti and Haitians. From Jesse Jackson to Al Sharpton, the main goal seems to be to rally the black American community in support of American foreign policy goals, using Haiti as a base.

Ron Daniels of IBW21 has been the most blatant, using the crisis in Haiti to raise money for his organization, while spreading vile stereotypes about Haitian society and supporting U.S. imperialism. In his recent articles « Haiti on Fire », Daniels describes the country as a “virtual failed state” and a ” narco-state » controlled by “ vicious gangs »calling on the Core Group to take the lead in Haiti and asserting that only a US-commissioned, Kenyan-led mercenary mission can solve Haiti’s problems.

Ron Daniels

By design or ignorance, Daniels does not once mention the role of the United States, France, and Canada in fomenting the crisis in Haiti, instead describing it as a recent, self-inflicted problem by gangs and some elites. Daniels fails to recognize that this latest Western media racist fascination with « gangs ” only began in 2022, when the United States was trying to keep its puppet Prime Minister Ariel Henry in power. What’s most disturbing is that Daniels accepts that the

Core Group, the foreign occupying force in Haiti, has legitimacy and the right to take power over Haiti. It does not matter that the Haitian people consider the Core Group to be a criminal and colonial entity. Daniels also welcomes the installation of the “Presidential Council” by the United States in Haiti, stating that it will lead to a “ democracy based on the people”. Someone should remind Daniels that there is no democracy under occupation.

But we know that it was the United States and the Core Group – under the cover of the deceitful and compliant leaders of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) – who handpicked the Haitian participants in the Presidential Council. We also know that all participants in that Council had to first agree to this illegal foreign military invasion of Haiti. Indeed, Daniels is not only calling on the same white supremacist arsonists to put out the fire they themselves started in Haiti, he is also supporting another US-led military invasion and occupation of Haiti!

The BAP calls on those who support Haiti not to get caught up in the language of “solidarity” with Haiti while these black merchants of hegemony use their platform and the language of “fraternity” and “sorority”, and a cynical co-option of “Pan-Africanism” to help American imperialism stifle Haitian sovereignty. We must remember that the crisis in Haiti is a crisis of imperialism.

Ron Daniels and IBW21, along with these other deceptive black leaders, should be condemned for supporting US imperial policy against the modern world’s First Black Republic. These “civil rights group leaders” would do well to know that they are only the third group of black faces that the United States is using to invade Haiti, following the model established by CARICOM countries and Kenya (whom the United States bribes) with $300 million to pretend to lead this disastrous mission). Are they wondering why the United States, France or Canada are refusing to lead the mission, or why they are only now involving them in the discussion? As we have said about the Kenyan government and CARICOM governments providing armed mercenaries to kill the Haitian people, this is blackface imperialism.

We would also like to point out to these black “leaders” that this planned invasion of Haiti, although announced as a “UN” mission, is in reality not one. It has the approval of the UN Security Council, but the UN did not want to take responsibility for the mission because it would require “too brutal a use of force” against the Haitian people.

The Black Alliance for Peace continues to denounce US imperialism. But we especially condemn the black faces of imperialism. We call on all those committed to a world without colonies to reject the black faces of empire and their lies. Disband the core group! End the BINUH occupation! Stop all efforts to impose a new invasion on Haiti!

Dump the Imperialists in Blackface! Solidarity with the Resistance! Long Live a Free Haiti!

Black Alliance for Peace Team Haiti/Americas
June 19, 2024

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Black Alliance for Peace