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Blondedy Ferdinand, guest of honor at the second screening of Because Of Love

  • June 27, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 3

The second screening of the film Because of love of Fednaelle François is for this August 11, 2024. Against all expectations, the production has reserved the chair of guest of honor for Blondedy Ferdinand. This news is already creating a sensation knowing that Florence El Luche was the guest of honor at the first screening.

The event, scheduled for August 11 in West Palm Beach, marks an important milestone after a successful first screening at Radama Plaza in Florida, where Florence El Luche was the guest of honor.

The first screening of “Because of Love” attracted considerable attention, particularly with the presence of Florence El Luche, a prominent and controversial figure in Haitian art circles. However, the announcement of Blondedy Ferdinand for this second screening surprised many people, given the well-documented tensions between Ferdinand and El Luche. The two celebrities, often seen as rivals, have ardent fan bases – Florence El Luche’s “FloNation” and Blondedy Ferdinand’s “Nators” – who do not fail to exchange acerbic remarks on social networks.

The invitation from Blondedy Ferdinand is seen as a bold gesture by Fednaelle François, who seems determined to bring together these two emblematic figures of the Haitian cultural landscape under the same roof. This gesture could be interpreted as an effort to ease tensions and promote an image of unity in the Haitian entertainment community, or simply as a strategic decision to attract even more attention to his film.

We do not yet know if Florence El Luche will be present at this evening, but it is important to note that she was the special guest of the first screening and that she is also the long-time friend of Fednaelle François. His possible presence could add additional dynamics to this already highly anticipated event.

“Because of Love” has already garnered attention for its talented cast and captivating plot, but the inclusion of two such influential and controversial figures could catapult this production to a new level of notoriety. West Palm Beach audiences can expect a memorable night, not only for the film itself but also for the potentially explosive interaction between fans of the two celebrities in attendance.

Whether simple spectators, fervent admirers or curious people, the event promises to be a unique blend of cinema and media confrontation, offering a new dimension to the cinematic experience.

It remains to be seen whether this bold decision by Fednaelle François will succeed in bridging the gaps between the two camps or whether it will further fuel existing rivalries. In any case, the August 11th meeting in West Palm Beach is already shaping up to be a must-see moment in Haitian cinema.

Source : Celebrity Magazine

Darling Valentin Cabé

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