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Call for support for Joseph Mcne Jean Louis: A family reaction

  • June 26, 2024
  • 3 Min
  • 8

The Cassation Group recently urged the government of Garry Conille to support Me Joseph Mécène Jean Louis, a magistrate who has been convalescing for several months due to his advanced age. This appeal sparked a rapid reaction from the judge’s family, who assured they had the necessary resources to meet their needs.

In an exclusive interview granted to Vant Bèf Info, those close to the judge welcomed the initiative of the Cassation Group while affirming that, despite a reduction in his retirement income, Mr. Jean Louis, with his 45-year career in teaching and his 44 years in the justice system, is able to manage his financial needs.

The magistrate’s family also criticized the maneuvers of certain politicians who, according to them, exploited the former dean of the Gonaïves School of Law and Economic Sciences for their personal interests, by designating him transitional president in 2021.

This appointment, which aimed to challenge the mandate of former President Jovenel Moïse, led to a ban on Mr. Jean Louis leaving the territory, lifted a few months later by the court of first instance of Port-au-Prince. . Despite these political tumults, the family insists that the ex-magistrate remains well supported and financially independent.

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