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Euro-2024: the orange bus, twelfth man of the Dutch selection

  • July 10, 2024
  • 7 Min
  • 5

” To the left to the right ! “: Ahead of the semi-final between the Netherlands and England on Wednesday, a sea of ​​orange dances through the streets of Dortmund to the sound of the speakers on the Dutch supporters’ bus, which has become one of the big attractions of the Euro.

“This bus is the national hero! When I see the crowd, I get chills”smiles Esther Huijmans, sitting on the upper deck on one of the retro-style benches, as thousands of fans crowd around the vehicle.

Like 34 other Dutch volunteers, including drivers, she has the privilege of being a member of the“Orangebus”which is part of every major football competition the Netherlands has participated in since 2004.

“We never thought we would have such success this year”explains the 48-year-old woman, who has been involved in the project for 10 years.

Apart from its bright orange, this forty-year-old machine is nothing exceptional at first glance, but it is religiously followed by supporters to the stadium before each match.

“Patriotic feeling”

Euro-2024: the

Dutch fans drink beer on board their bus, the Oranjebus, ahead of the Netherlands-Austria match in Berlin, Germany, on June 25, 2024 / Odd ANDERSEN / AFP/Archives

The event has gone viral on social media and is a source of pride for Sebastian Vamrimkhuy, 28, who is seeing the bus for the first time.

“I have a feeling of patriotism rising inside me, it’s not like me”laughs this event worker on a large avenue in Dortmund. He travelled two hours from his home country to reach the Ruhr.

Some fans, more motivated than him, literally stuck to the bus, despite the presence of the police.

“We also have to protect ourselves against so many people. Each of the volunteers has a role, some keep the fans away, others take care of the press.”explains Esther Huijmans.

A replacement driver for a year, Jean-Pierre Piters knows the « stress » of the organization of parades.

Euro-2024: the

A Netherlands fan lights a smoke bomb behind the Oranjebus, ahead of the Euro 2024 semi-final against England, in the streets of Dortmund, Germany, on July 10, 2024 / INA FASSBENDER / AFP

“But we’re like a family, it’s just fun in the end.”says the 73-year-old retiree, who is passionate about driving. He hopes to soon replace the historic bus driver.

Does the favourite vehicle contribute to the good image of the Dutch in this tournament? According to a survey by the German newspaper Die Welt, 40% of Germans want to see the Dutch win the Euro, far ahead of Spain and England who are still in the running. And the images of parades of orange supporters joyfully parading behind their bus before the matches are in any case omnipresent.

From Brazil to Qatar

The story began in 2003, when a group of Dutch fans decided to buy this second-hand bus, on the road since 1980, in order to represent their team at Euro 2004.

Today, it has more than 100,000 kilometers on the clock and has traveled the world: Brazil, South Africa, Qatar, Ukraine…

“These guys are here at every tournament, it’s really become the Dutch groove and they make us happy”reacts Marco Hendriks, 49-year-old physiotherapist.

Euro-2024: the

Dutch fans march through the streets of Dortmund around the Oranjebus, ahead of the Euro 2024 semi-final against England, in Germany, on July 10, 2024 / INA FASSBENDER / AFP

The craze around the women’s selection competitions is, however, more recent: the bus has only been following them since 2017.

But Esther Huijmans sees clear progress since then: “in Valenciennes, during the 2019 World Cup in France, we set fire to it,” recalls the woman who also works at FIFA.

The Oranjebus has not escaped the weight of time: it has undergone many repairs in recent years and is becoming difficult to drive, confirms Jean-Pierre Piters.

“I hope we will go as far as Berlin – the venue for the Euro 2024 final – and even further!”dreams Esther Huijmans. And yet: the bus was built… in England.