Fight against time and live longer? This is possible with a diet rich in flavonoids ! These natural compounds, present in many foods, are full of of powerful antioxidants which protect our cells and prevent chronic diseases linked to aging.

According to nutritionist Rachel Cummings-Palmerincorporating 6 key foods into your daily diet can help you boost your longevity and enjoy a healthy life.

Let’s discover them together!

The 6 Miracle Foods for Increased Longevity

1. Berries

  • A concentrate of vitamins: rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, berries protect the skin, bones, heart and brain;
  • Preparation advice : Consume a handful of frozen berries in your daily smoothie.

2. Nuts and seeds

  • Rich in nutrients: omega 3, fiber, calcium, magnesium and zinc for sustainable energy and optimal health;
  • Trick : Enjoy a handful of nuts and sprinkle seeds on your salads or toast them for a tasty snack.

3. Leafy green vegetables

  • Spinach and kale featured: excellent sources of lutein and of zéaxanthinethese antioxidants protect your eyes against age-related macular degeneration;
  • Recommendations : aim for a plate made up of 50% green vegetables.

4. Mushrooms

  • Ergothioneine and glutathione : these powerful ones antioxidants promote cell regeneration, cognitive function and liver health;
  • Idea : include button mushrooms in your omelettes and take a Reishi mushroom supplement, a powerful antioxidant with multiple benefits;
  • Trick : expose your mushrooms to the sun to boost their vitamin D content.

5. Matcha

  • A concentrate of antioxidants and EGCG : this flavonoid compound prevents cellular damage and stimulates natural defenses;
  • Advice : drink one or two cups of matcha a day.

By incorporating these into your diet 6 Foods Rich in Flavonoidsyou are making a valuable investment in your health and longevity. Feel free to vary the pleasures and explore other sources of flavonoids such as citrus fruits, red fruits, dark chocolate and green tea.

Anya El Hamdaoui


July 4, 2024, at 4:00 p.m.

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