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Garry Conille comes to report on the Metropolis!

  • July 3, 2024
  • 12 Min
  • 6
Meeting of U.S. Secretary of State Anthony J. Blinken with the delegation of Haitian Prime Minister Garry Conille at the State Department in Washington

On Friday, June 28, 2024, just one month after his appointment on May 28, Prime Minister Garry Conille, who should preferably be called the colonial administrator of Haiti, left the country. He took the flight on a plane like so many others had done without saying anything about his trip, except for a press release from the Prime Minister’s office indicating that he was going to Washington and New York. To do what? Nobody knows.

Rep. Frederica Wilson on X: “I was pleased to welcome Haitian Prime Minister Garry Conille to Miami on his first visit to the United States since becoming Prime Minister.”

The Prime Minister was accompanied by his Chief of Staff, as Minister, Nesmy Manigat, the Minister of Economy and Finance Marie DA Ketleen Florestal, also Minister of Planning and External Cooperation, the Minister of Foreign Affairs also Minister of Haitians Living Abroad Dominique Dupuy to go to the United States of America.

What is the need for such a hasty trip by a head of government who has barely taken office, if not to report to his tutors, his bosses, his real leaders of the American State Department in Washington for whom he administers the country. This does not surprise us since we know very well that the current politicians who are leaders of the country are not capable of anything without Washington approving it and giving them the green light. In other words, the current policy in Haiti is entirely defined by the so-called political experts and the government is the simple executor of their colonial project.

En route to Washington, DC, Haitian Prime Minister Garry Conille made a stop in Miami for a courtesy call on Little Haïti to see the American representative Frederica Wilson who stressed during a press briefing just before the meeting with Conille “We will come away from this meeting with a list of demands for the Biden-Harris administration to support Haiti.” It is important to understand that in the political vocabulary of these American representatives, whether they are Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick from District 20 of Broward, Yvette Clarke (Democrat NY) and so many others, the word support essentially refers to leading, taking charge and this fits well with the logic of Garry Conille’s role.

In Washington, Prime Minister Garry Conille, on the morning of Monday, July 1st, flanked by his ministers, met with donors to beg them for crumbs of charity as usual. The meeting with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) included, among others, Conille and his ministers, the governor of the Central Bank, Ronal Gabriel and Alfred Metellus, Haiti’s representative to the IDB. The delegation met with Vice President Ana Maria Ibañez and Amanda Glassman, advisor to the President of the IDB, namely Mohammed Al-Jasser, the former Minister of Economy and Planning of Saudi Arabia. Then the delegation went to the World Bank.

All this indicates that the country is returning to the same old tracks, the same relations with international financial institutions that behave like bosses and it is in this perspective that Conille, as the master’s faithful dog, declared without any shame: “We are trying to build their confidence, to assure them that the Presidential Council and the government have a clear vision of what they want to do. They can move forward with us. Building that trust is essential. I left with the feeling that our partners are ready to trust us, as is the case for the population.”

In the afternoon of the 1stis July, the Haitian delegation led by the Prime Minister reported for more than 45 minutes to Jon Finer, deputy national security advisor of the Biden administration. According to Conille, he explained to the deputy advisor on several issues including the Multinational Security Support Mission (MMSS) and the organization of elections, a priority element for the imperialist powers so that they renew their lackeys within the state apparatus in Haiti.

Meeting with the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) which promised 40 million dollars to Haiti

On this subject, Conille simply pointed out that the Americans are showing great interest and impatience. Because ” They wanted to have an update on how we are moving forward with this file. I am certain that in the coming days the CEP will be formed by the Presidential Transitional Council.”

Finer for his part reiterated to the Haitian delegation the unwavering support of the United States for the Haitian people, “which has suffered for too long at the hands of gangs, with nearly 5 million people now in need of emergency food aid.”

Garry Conille received by Brian Nichols

Just before the delegation returned, she met on Tuesday, July 2, with the American Secretary of State Anthony Blinken who welcomed the Haitian delegation in these terms: ” This is an important moment for Haiti, an important moment for many countries including the United States that are strong supporters of Haiti. We have the Prime Minister and his government in place, we have the Presidential Council, and we now have the deployment of the multinational security support mission to help the HNP regain full control of many important areas in Port-au-Prince and across the country. All of this to ensure that Haiti gets back on the path to free and fair elections, and to ensure, as we move forward into the future, that the international community’s support for Haiti can continue in the most robust way possible.”

And Conille continued with an immeasurable platitude to thank his boss. “While we do not underestimate the challenges that lie ahead, we are extremely grateful for the support, the solidarity of the American people and we would like you to also convey our thanks to President Biden who has been a true champion for Haiti. We think the next few weeks and months will be quite interesting but we believe that with the establishment of the Presidential Council and this new government we are ready to work to meet the challenges that lie ahead. So, thank you again for having us.”

OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro receives delegation led by Garry Conille

The United States colonial administrator in Haiti, Garry Conille, was also received by the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, Assistant Secretaries of State Brian Nichols and Todd Robinson, Deputy Administrator at USAID Michael J. Camilleri, the Managing Director of the IMF, Kristalina Georgieva, as well as members of the American Congress.

It is the American establishment in its most complete form that arranges behind their man and woman in the Presidential Council and the Prime Minister’s Office to control the country. And so it was done!

And as former U.S. Special Envoy to Haiti Ambassador Daniel Foote, a Montana Group ally, so aptly put it in an interview with the Haitian Information Network (RHINEWS), “ The presidential council’s choice of Garry Conille was a non-transparent multinational set-up, orchestrated by the United States through CARICOM. According to him, Conille will continue to implement policies dictated by the United States, the UN and international donors, without regard for the medium and long-term needs of the Haitian people.”

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Isabelle Papillon