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Grand’Anse: Police officers refuse to cohabit with their Departmental Director accused of embezzlement

  • May 10, 2024
  • 5 Min
  • 26
They blocked access to the office of the Departmental Director, Louis Edner Hyacinthe

The violins do not agree between the Departmental Director of the Haitian Police in Grand’Anse, Louis Edner Hyacinthe and the police officers including the UDMO agents. They protested on Friday, May 10, 2024, in Jérémie to ask the High Command to dismiss him from his post for his involvement in cases of corruption including the sale of permits to carry weapons and ammunition.

THE HAITI FACTOR, May 10, 2024._The departmental director of police in Grand’Anse, Louis Edner Hyacinthe, is in deep trouble. The number 1 of the PNH in Grand’Anse is accused of corruption on the part of the police officers.

To denounce its involvement in cases of embezzlement, notably in the misappropriation of materials from the institution, the sale of licenses to carry weapons and ammunition to individuals, among others, police officers protested this Friday through the streets of the Municipality of Jérémie.

According to the protesting police officers, Louis Edner Hyacinthe is also accused of complacency towards alleged bandits who circulate freely in the Department, particularly in Jérémie.

Grand'Anse: Police officers refuse to cohabit with their departmental director accused of embezzlement
The protesters denounce the presence of armed bandits in Jérémie under the gaze deemed complicit by the Departmental Director of the PNH of GrandAnse

To support their statements, the police suggested that the Departmental Director of Police in Grand’Anse refuses to order the conduct of operations in areas controlled by armed bandits including the name “Ti Fanfan” whom he placed in command of the Intervention Brigade (BI) of the Jérémie Police Station.

Add to this, he toughened his tone and transferred several agents who denounced his laxity as well as 25% of the revenue demanded per week from the heads of each police station located in Grand’Anse, declared the protesters.

Annoyed by the behavior of Louis Edner Hyacinthe, police officers assigned to different police stations in Grand’Anse joined and united their voices through a protest movement to demand his transfer for the well-being of the country, more precisely the Department of Grand’Anse.

They blocked access to the office of the Departmental Director, Louis Edner Hyacinthe

During this movement, they barricaded certain roads in order to prevent the Manager from reaching his office, at the building housing the Departmental Police Directorate in Grand’Anse.

The police officers, who are fed up with the embezzlement of their Director, are asking the General Directorate of Police (DGPNH) and the General Inspectorate to dismiss him urgently.


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Le Facteur Haiti