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Haiti news viral: There are still many people who died, in unknown conditions, in several neighborhoods of the metropolitan area of ​​Ptoprens

  • April 1, 2024
  • 16 Min
  • 31

Port-au-Prince, April 1, 2024 [AlterPesse] — On Monday, April 1, 2024, people in several places, such as Petyonvil and Mayi gate, not too far from the international airport of Port-au-Prince, continue to walk over the bodies of dead people, in unknown conditions. For several weeks, people have been found dead in the streets, in several neighborhoods of the metropolitan area of ​​Port-au-Prince, at the time when the gangs and weapons have intensified their acts of terror, especially since Thursday, February 29, 2024.

Since the beginning of 2024, more than 1,550 people have lost their lives in gang and gun violence in Haiti. Since there is no adequate control on the border, guns and bullets continue to enter the territory of Haiti, which is unleashed in great chaos, in a great catastrophe. It is the result of political brigandáy and the institutions that do not play their role properly, the state institutions that fall flat on the ground. It is necessary to have adequate measures taken to block the trafficking of weapons and bullets, entering the territory of Haiti. There must also be an effort to put the state institutions back on track. It is the recommendation of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, in a report on the situation in Haiti that was made public on Friday, March 29, 2024.

On Monday, April 1, 2024, gunshots continued to be fired in several neighborhoods of the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area, such as in Dèlma 19, Dèlma 30, Dèlma 24, the intersection of Dèlma road and the international airport of Port-au-Prince, Solidarity Village. The sound of the gunshots caused great tension and running in these neighborhoods, according to testimony obtained by AlterPresse and AlterRadio.

Since a month, gangs with guns have been rampaging and setting fire to many public and private institutions, such as state faculties, various offices and services, civil state offices, pharmacies, hospitals, warehouses, shops, etc. On Sunday, March 31, 2024, they will loot the space of Loge Etoile d’Haïti, in avenue Monseigneur Guilloux, Port-au-Prince. Gangs with guns continue to set fire to many cars in downtown Port-au-Prince.

On Friday, March 29, 2024, gangs with guns ransacked and set fire to the Digneron factory in the commune of Kwadèboukè, Western department. At the time of this criminal attack, gangs with guns burned office equipment, many large factory vehicles and other materials belonging to the Palm Apparel Group, a factory that has been closed since 2022 after bandits with guns kidnapped several employees of the factory, according to information which joins AlterPresse and AlterRadio.

At the end of March 2024, the fishermen arrived to try to catch fish on the Ansdeno and Leziwa seas, after the attack they suffered on Wednesday March 27, 2024. Since Thursday night, March 28, 2024, a fisherman, bandit and gun kidnapped on the sea of ​​Ansdeno Leziwa on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, arrived to his family. The armed bandits who kidnapped him did nothing to him, according to testimony obtained by AlterPresse and AlterRadio.

Precisely, gangs and guns also sow terror in provincial cities. On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, a fisherman was kidnapped and released on Thursday, March 28, 2024. But they took away a dozen motorboats on the Ansdeno and Léziwa seas on the southern coast of Haiti, according to testimonies obtained by AlterPresse and AlterRadio.

On Friday, March 29, 2024, several people from Mibalè, central Plateau department, went to a Mibalè police station to take the national policeman Ananel Alexandre, who was working in Bim, and the security agent of the provisional electoral council Michelet Musca, the police arrested. They pass these 2 men infinitive. The national police said they found, in the car these 2 men were in, Devarye, not far from Mibalère, more than 6 million 300 thousand gourds, 20 thousand US dollars, 2 revolvers and magazines filled with bullets, a box of 50 cartridges and 7 phones.

This money, which was in the hands of these men, seems to be used to buy weapons and bullets on the border of Beladère to bring to gangs and weapons, according to what the national police say they have found.

On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, the Dominican military arrested Mildrenne Manessa Milien, the wife of the delegate after Beladè Yvanosky Joachim. Mildrenne Manessa Milien was arrested by the Dominican military in Comendador, on the border of Belader. They found 22,160 cartridges in the car he was driving (12,000 7mm cartridges and 10,160 5mm cartridges). Mildrenne Manessa Milien also had 30,150 gourds and 1,100 Dominican pesos. The Dominican authorities have never said, afterwards, what the Dominican Republic prosecutors did with Mildrenne Manessa Milien, who was arrested with a large shipment of these cartridges, on Tuesday, November 8, 2022, on the border of Comendador/province of Elias Pina and Beladè.

3 days later, on the night of Friday, November 11, 2022, the national police arrested Mount Kabrit police inspector Wakin Pierre, who was working at the National Palace. The police found in the car, which came from Beladère, 4 thousand 5 mm cartridges, 41 9 mm cartridges, 3 revolver magazines, a revolver for 9 mm cartridges, 22 phones and more than 900 thousand gourds.

It is on the border of Beladè/Comendador (Dominican Republic) that many weapons and cartridges, from the United States, come to gangs and weapons in Haiti. Traffickers use roads and docks in the Dominican Republic to bring weapons and bullets into Haiti to sow terror in Haiti. This is what the United Nations Office against drugs and crime wrote in a report, made public in October 2023.

A French army helicopter, which is picking up French citizens to leave Haiti, received a bullet, gangs and guns fired last week. Fortunately, no passengers were injured, French army captain Adrien Shaar told Tf1 television.

Gangs and guns are a series of groups that change positions every moment, based on their interests. It is the greatest harm they could do to society, after the piles and piles of crimes suffered by many people in the population, for them to accept gangs with guns to the negotiating table to reach the political direction of the country of Haiti. The president’s council for the transition should talk and negotiate with the international community on the best formula, which will allow them to have control over gangs and weapons. It is the opinion of specialist in economics and political science Joseph Harold Pierre on AlterPresse and AlterRadio.

It is because the Haitian political actors do not have enough political culture, which makes the President’s Council for the transition appear as a necessity. All delegates, selected to join the President’s Council for the transition, should act quickly. They should act well, not to miss today’s occasion. All these delegates must be placed at a level, which will prevent them from losing the trust of the population. If their actions take time before they really take the political power, they can lose the trust of the population. It is analysis and other considerations of economics and political science specialist Joseph Harold Pierre on AlterPresse and AlterRadio.

The rest of the de facto government would require a series of steps in the Community of Caribbean countries (Caricom). They also requested a series of documents, which they have already received, to try to delay the provision of officially appointing the President’s Council for the transition. This is what a source close to the process told AlterPresse and AlterRadio.

It will be difficult to set up the President’s Council for the transition. Thus, it would be in the court of cassation to choose a judge to lead the transition period in Haiti, after 32 months of Ariel Henry’s de facto government, the international community announced with a tweet. It is the position, in a letter sent on Sunday, March 31, 2024 to the Caribbean Community (Caricom), several alliances of Ariel Henry, who signed the agreement of December 21, 2022, such as Edmonde Supplice Beauzile, Michel André and Marjorie Michel, despite the agreement of 21 December 2022 there is a delegate within the President’s Council for the transition.

For several weeks, there are several political leaders, lawyers and other sectors saying that it would be in the court of cassation to choose a judge, who should come back to the country of Haiti after the resignation of the de facto prime minister Ariel Henry, on Monday, March 11, 2024.

On Monday the first of April 2024, the new ambassador of the United States in the country of Haiti, Dennis Bruce Hankins, handed over his official papers as ambassador to the de facto minister of foreign affairs, Jean Victor Généus.

On Thursday, March 14, 2024, the US Senate quickly voted in favor of Dennis Bruce Hankins, to become the US ambassador to Haiti. Since June 2023, President Joe Biden has appointed Dennis Bruce Hankins to be the new ambassador of the United States to Haiti. The vote of the US Senate on March 14, 2024 in favor of Dennis Bruce Hankins came at a time when the crisis is inflaming harder, with more terror from gangs and guns on the territory of Haiti. Since October 2021, the United States has not had an ambassador to Haiti, after Michèle Jeanne Sison spent 3 years as the United States ambassador, from February 21, 2018 to October 9, 2021. [ppsf emb rc apr 01/04/2024 14:10]