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Haiti-Security: Rameau Normil announces the end of the reign of gangs

  • July 8, 2024
  • 8 Min
  • 6

Rameau Normil, Acting Director General of the Haitian National Police | © Facebook

The Acting Director General of the Haitian National Police, Rameau Normil, announced, during a joint press briefing with the Commander-in-Chief of the Kenyan mission in Haiti, Godfrey Otunga, on Monday, July 8, 2024, the end of the “reign” of armed gangs. “No more recreation,” he told the bandits who control 80% of the territory in the capital.

THE HAITI FACTOR, July 8, 2024._Fifteen (15) days after his return to command of the Haitian National Police, Acting Director General Rameau Normil, accompanied by Godfrey Otunga, the head of the Kenyan mission in Haiti, appeared before the press on Monday, July 8, 2024. The objective of the press briefing was to communicate to the Haitian population all the plans underway concerning the operations aimed at dismantling the armed gangs.

At the outset, the Commander and Chief of the Haitian Police Rameau Normil called on all forces in the country to act quickly to resolve the problem of insecurity that is plaguing the country. And to achieve this, the Acting Director General of the PNH informed that he had organized several meetings with the Kenyan delegation in Haiti with the aim of providing appropriate responses to address the problem of insecurity effectively and efficiently.

To better address the security issue in order to control the bandits and put them out of harm’s way, Rameau Normil said he took the first 15 days of his mandate to evaluate and plan his work schedule. He then requested the collaboration and support of the population to succeed in tracking down the gangs.

Joint press briefing between the Haitian police and the Kenyan police | © Facebook

Back at the head of the police institution, Rameau Normil also says he notes that 7 communes in Haiti have no police presence and the police stations and sub-police stations are emptied of their occupants. A situation that is profitable for gangs that attack police infrastructure.

Read also Haiti: “Rameau Normil was dismissed for incompetence,” recalls Me Maurice Pierresaint

Based on this observation, Frantz Elbé’s successor says he is taking steps to facilitate the return of all police officers to their assigned posts, just as families driven out by gangs are returning to their homes. This is why, he adds, he has increased the number of police officers stationed at the BOID base at Fort National.

Regarding the date of the start of operations in the West, particularly in gang hotbeds, the #1 of the PNH has confused the issue. No day or date for the operation. Without waiting, one fine morning, the population will wake up and see the bandits hunted down, stopped and neutralized. “, declared Rameau Normil loudly, referring to Sunday’s operations which resulted in the retaking of control of the State University Hospital of Haiti, commonly known as “the General Hospital.”

Rameau Normil, Acting Director General of the Haitian National Police | © Facebook

He added that: ” We are aware of the gangs’ modus operandi and how they operate. That’s why we are coming up with new strategies to track down criminals where they are. ” he promises.

In conclusion, the Acting Director General of the Haitian National Police declared that his presence and that of the head of the Kenyan mission demonstrate their willingness to inform the armed bandits of the “end of recreation” so that the concept of “lost territories” is no longer relevant, because the State must recover them.

“The blood of our valiant brothers and sisters must not flow in vain. Stay calm and remain confident, I guarantee to the Haitian people that they will soon be able to move freely on the national territory in complete safety,” he concluded.


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Le Facteur Haiti