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Haiti | The Conille-Manigat government accused of corruption: The Zangi export mafia paid $3 million to obtain the Agriculture portfolio, reports Me Samuel Madistin

  • June 29, 2024
  • 4 Min
  • 3

Betty Lamy, Fritz Richardson, Charles Saint-Remy (Kiko), Monnley Salvard, Wilner Joseph, Gonathan Getant, Guyto Joseph, Frantz Fontaine, Alain Simon, Serge Delmas, Jean Wilson Hyppolite, Aimé François, Nathan Toussaint, Valdort Ulrick, Charles Jean Baptiste, Damourude Lazarre, Gelot Aristil, Janty Ronald , Antony Monnley, Carla Clesca and Ciril Delen are among the figures recognized for exploiting marine species.

Saturday, June 29, 2024 ( — Former senator Samuel Madistin, member of the human rights organization “Je Klere”, revealed during an interview with Marie Lucie Bonhomme on Vision 2000, serious allegations of corruption within the government of Garry Conille, post-failed Tèt Kale 3/SDP-Fusion-RDNP regime.

Mr. Madistin said he had become aware of an extremely worrying situation concerning the sale of ministerial positions, including that of Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources. According to him, this position would have been [NDLR] “sold for the sum of 3 million dollars”, information relayed by various sources on social networks.

He explained that this money came from a “mafia sector” that allegedly paid this sum to the government of Garry Conille to obtain the appointment of their candidate to this strategic position. This sector is particularly involved in the issuance of permits for the export and lucrative exploitation of eels in Haiti, an extremely profitable market.

Madistin stressed the urgency for the government to respond to these serious accusations. He stressed that the delay by the Conille government, or even less the CPT, in addressing these rumors harms its credibility and undermines public confidence.

It is important to note that the eel industry was controlled for many years by Kiko Saint-Rémy, Michel Martelly’s brother-in-law, who continues to exert influence despite his official departure from power on February 7, 2016. In the past, a Minister of Agriculture was publicly humiliated by Saint-Rémy for not paying enough tips. Saint-Rémy, banned from the Dominican Republic, “for his proximity to gangs”, is nevertheless free to travel in the United States, his country of birth.

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